Continuing in the fantastic world of 5 person, sooner or later you will come across Caroline and Justine: two twin guards guarding the Velvet Room. The two guards they will make a Confidant pact with our protagonist asking him to complete certain tasks.
Advance their level as a Confidant it will not only serve as a bonus in terms of XP, But also to unlocking often essential functions inside the Velvet Room. Our with Caroline and Justine can only level up by fulfilling their requests, rather than spending time with them. More precisely, the two guards they will ask us to show them Personas with certain Skills available, obtainable through Mergers, or by using Skill Cards.
- Rank 1:
The request will automatically unlock on 5/18, and the twins will ask us for a Jack Frost with Mabufu. These can be obtained by melting Berith (Hierophant) and Apsaras (Priestess). Our Confidant level with Morgana should be enough for us to immediately unlock the skill, and complete this request. It will unlock the Group Guillotine feature, which allows us to merge more than two Personas together.
- Rank 2:
As a second request the twins will ask us for one Shiisa with Free. The fastest method is to blend Jack Frost (Magician) with Makami (Temperance): the latter already has the Frei skill, so just select it as a Skill to transfer during the merger.
- Rank 3:
The third request will be to create a Matador with Magaru. If you managed to get the Treasure Persona Regent, just merge it with Mokoi (Death) and transfer the Magaru skill. If you haven't got one, you can merge one Nekomata (Magician) with Obariyon (Fool). After fulfilling this request the Lockdown function will be unlocked which allows us to "lock" a Persona in the Velvet Room to increase its stats.
- Rank 4:
Here the guards will ask us for a Flauros with Tarukaya. To get this Persona you will need to combine Berith (Hierophant), Eligor (Emperor) and Andras (Devil). Andras learns the Tarukaya skill at level 11.
- Rank 5:
As a fifth request, we are asked Ame-no-Uzume with Dodge Psy. We will have to melt Kin-ki (Chariot) and Sui-ki (Moon). Kin-ki will learn the Dodge Psy skill at level 27 and by completing this task we will unlock the Guillotine Booster feature.
- Rank 6:
Here we will be prompted for a Neko-Shogun with Dekaja. This Persona will only be obtainable via group merger by combining Kodama (Star), Sudama (Hermit) and Anzu (Hierophant). Anzu will only learn the Dekaja skill at level 28.
- Rank 7:
The seventh request we are asked to create one Lachesis with Tetraja. To do this you can merge Lamia (Empress) and Sandman (Magician) to obtain a Principality with Tetraja ability. Next you will need to melt Principality with Yaksini (Empress) to create one Ame-no-Uzume who can inherit Tetraja. Finally, melt Ame-no-Uzume with Isis (Priestess) to obtain Lachesis, to then transfer Tetraja one last time.
- Rank 8:
For this request we will need to create a Hecatonchires with Masukunda. To do this we can merge Unicorn (Hierophant) with Lilim (Devil), or Clotho (Fortune) with Red Rider o Belphegor (Tower). After completing this task, you will unlock the Isolation feature.
- Rank 9:
Caroline and Justine's ninth request will be to create a Bugs with Samarecarm. To create it you will need to combine Pixie (Lovers), Pisaca (Death) and Hariti (Empress). Hariti will learn Samarecarm at level 41, so we will have to train the Persona to learn the skill necessary for fusion.
- Rank 10:
As a final task we will need to create a Seth with High Counter, and you will need to follow several steps. On 10/14 we will receive a request entitled "The Killer Laughs in the Garbage Can“, To be completed in the Mementos. Upon completion, you will receive the Skill Card to obtain High Counter. Melt Hecatonchires and Kushinada-Hime, to get a Horus. After that, combine Isis, Anubis, Thoth and Horus to create Seth. Finally, it will be necessary to use the previously obtained skill card to make Seth learn High Counter. Therefore, by maximizing our Confidant with Caroline and Justine we will unlock the function Special Treatment, which in exchange for money, will allow us to merge Persona of a higher level than ours.
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