Red Dead Online has arrived, albeit in a beta version for now, and is now playable by all owners of Red Dead Redemption 2. After the first introductory missions we will be left at the mercy of a boundless world, with 20 dollars and a couple of indications on how to continue our adventure. But, as in single player, initially we won't be exactly competitive in terms of weapons, so the classic question “How can I make money fast?” Quickly arises. Follow our simple tips and you will quickly discover how to make money in Red Dead Online.
- Always loot each corpse it can be annoying and slow, also due to the long loot animation, but in online more than ever this process is vital. With only $ 20 and no cure it doesn't last long in the Far West, and killed enemies can provide us with their belongings so that we can continue the adventure as best we can. After all, they are no longer of much use.
- Finding treasure maps: among the loot available when looting a corpse, or as a reward from various activities, Red Dead Online will offer us treasure maps. The operation of the latter is much more basic than their counterparts in the single player, but the rewards are excellent ranging from 50 to 100 dollars in treasures. The first map will be "given" by simply completing the prologue, while a second one will be obtained once rank 10 is reached; for the others you simply have to go back to the first point, loot everyone and hope to find some.
- To hunt it can be tough in Red Dead Online, as it is in its single player counterpart: undamaged hides are worth good money and can be sold to butchers. Profits will be the same as in single player, and that's good news as hunting is RDO's only ability to yield as much as fruit in Red Dead Redemption 2
Playing the available story missions and the various multiplayer modes brings in turn a profit, but the money incoming for these activities is not enough, we are talking about a few dollars for each session, so we recommend that you dedicate yourself to something else in case you want to earn for to be able to buy new weapons.
► Red Dead Redemption 2 is an Adventure-Action type game developed and published by Rockstar Games for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Google Stadia, the video game was released on 26/10/2018 The version for PC came out on 05/11/2019
Version for Google Stadia from 19/11/2019
Red Dead Redemption 2 is a game to own at all costs: we decided to evaluate it with a 100%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Review of Red Dead Redemption 2