After having seen how to easily overcome one of the most mangy subquests of Yakuza Kiwami 2 (with an unorthodox method, but do you prefer to study mahjong manuals?), We leave you here some tips on how to progress better and how to easily get money and experience.
For some they may seem obvious, but experience has taught us that players often fall on the most obvious things, skipping perhaps something apparently useless but which, if well exploited, brings considerable advantages.
General Councils
Don't ignore the basic stats
Each time you earn an experience point you will find yourself faced with different choices on how to spend it: you can decide to invest it in a new skill or a heat action, but don't forget that the different basic statistics also form a strong and muscular Kiryu. Attack, defense and all the others should be improved regularly, on pain of finding yourself in situations of net disadvantage against some opponents of the game.
Unlock the Substory Finder
In Yakuza Kiwami 2 there is a myriad of sub quests, so much so that it is not so difficult to miss some if you do not pay attention. The Substory Finder skill will help you easily in the search for the latter, allowing you to earn valuable rewards and experience points.
Play the Clan Creator minigame
As in any good Ryu Ga Gotoku that respects itself, also in Yakuza Kiwami 2 there is no shortage of minigames, which will accompany you throughout the adventure, but one of these especially should attract your attention: the Clan Creator. This will guarantee you good rewards and a fair amount of experience. In addition, you will have the opportunity to deepen the facts narrated in the main story, so we strongly advise you to strip it for good.
Get access to the Kamiyama Works
In the early stages of the game you will be able to face a subquest called “A Pervy Peddler”, which once completed will allow you to access the Kamiyama Works. Inside you can repair your weapons, so make sure you use it properly, in order to avoid finding yourself in critical situations with some of the weapons close to breaking.
Haveand Kiryu well equipped
If it is true that in hand-to-hand combat the skill is king, it is also true that a good equipment constantly updated could make you even stronger. During the game you will be able to equip up to a maximum of three objects, and each of them will guarantee you more or less incisive effects; study them and try to get good combinations that allow you to transform your Kiryu into a real fighting machine.
Farming experience
As we mentioned above, experience points can be spent in different ways, such as improving Kiryu's stats or letting him learn new skills. And they can be obtained in the most disparate ways: from story missions to minigames, from eating food to fighting around the neighborhood. In all of this, unlike what one might expect, the fastest and most comfortable method is to eat as much food as possible.
This is because in Yakuza Kiwami 2 there are skills that will allow you to increase the amount of experience gained, that is Boost EXP Gain, Boost Hunger Gauge e Boost Digestion. Once obtained, use the item AppStim RX, which will allow you to eat more food than the standard. So go around eating like there's no tomorrow and you will find that it has never been so easy and rewarding (at least for Kiryu) to gain experience.
Farm money
To begin with, at least until you have acquired some of the skills based on money farming, you can use some items that will guarantee you more money obtained with the battles: Sengoku Coffee and BOSS Light Sugar. Buy as many as you can and use them often (but keep in mind that their effect is not stackable, so only one at a time). Once you have enough experience points, you will unlock the "Law of Attraction" skill, which will make a "Nouveau Riche" appear randomly (the same one also present in the first Kiwami); defeating him you will earn 50000 yen. Another skill that might be handy is “Token of Appreciation“, which will grant you more items and money obtained from the battles.
However, the best method is to raise the high figures as quickly as possible to gamble, but only if you have two essential items. You can find them in the Coin Lockers E3 and E4 of Sotenbori, obviously once you have obtained the respective keys. For E3, just head west of the Don Quixote north entrance; from this cabinet you will get the Blackjack Amulet, which for a short period of time will guarantee you to always play Blackjack at the gambling game of the same name.
Then retrieve the key to the second locker, which you can find in front of the information booth on East Shofukucho Street and redeem the Bust Amulet contained within it. With this, for a certain amount of time, you will always see the dealer fail.
Now that you have both items, just activate one at a time and maximize your bets. When the effect of one wears off, use the other, then take your nice hard-earned chips (?), Exchange them for plates at the cashier and sell them to the pawn shop, so that you receive a ton of money. Repeat this routine several times and you will find yourself in no time at all with a disproportionate amount of money.
There is still much more to say, so continue to follow us to find out how to fully enjoy the experience proposed by Yakuza Kiwami 2.
► Yakuza Kiwami 2 is an Action-type game developed and published by Sega for PC and PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 07/12/2017 The version for PC came out on 09/05/2019 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 28/08/2018
Yakuza Kiwami 2 is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 88%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Yakuza Kiwami 2 Review