Gil is not an operational member of the team but you can find him on the Tempest, in the back of the ship doing something. Her romance is really simple to carry out. Just always select romance dialogue options whenever they are available. The romance will go hand in hand with the main plot. The male Ryder will be needed.
You can find Gil near the Nomad near Vetra and Liam. He'll tell you he's very excited about going to the Nexus, as well as you. Choose the romance option to answer him.
After visiting Aya, talk to him once more aboard the Tempest and flirt with him. Choose the "What now?" to keep the romance alive. Talk to him again after the mission "A Trail of Hope". You will find it again in the usual place: choose the romantic option again. After completing "Archon Hunt", check your email to find one from Gil, who will invite you to Prodromos. Go there and talk to him. Here you can take things to the next level by blocking all the other romances you have carried on. After this dialogue, go back to Tempest and check your email again: you will have another invitation from Gil to complete the romance.
Other useful guides on Mass Effect Andromeda:
- Reset a character's abilities
- Trophy Guide
- Scan the planets
- Which training to choose
- How to solve Remnant puzzles
- How to change armor
► Mass Effect Andromeda is an RPG-type game developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 21/03/2017 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 23/03/2017 The version for Xbox One came out on 23/03/2017
Our latest game news: Mass Effect Andromeda: patch 1.10 available