Jaal is one of the characters who will join the crew after the mission "A trace of hope". You will need to complete a few missions before he gets some confidence, in fact initially he will turn out to be distant and disinterested. It doesn't matter whether the Ryder you choose is male or female to romance Jaal.
Be sure to speak to Jaal whenever you are on the Tempest. You will not initially find romance dialogue options. They will be more than anything else words of circumstance but they will be fundamental as they will lead you to the loyalty mission of Jaal. The actual romance is concentrated towards the end of the game.
After freeing the Moshae on Voeld, you will be able to talk to Jaal using the romance options for the first time. It will be nothing special but it is still the first step. In fact, he will respond by appreciating your gesture and, in this way, he will also open the way for the loyalty mission that will be fundamental to carry on the romance. His mission is called "Friend or Foe" and will make you explore numerous planets with many subquests to complete. You will face a similar one, called Akksul. At some point you will find yourself in a video conference, again choose the romance option, telling Jaal that Akksul is just jealous of him.
After completing the mission "Hunt for the Archon," check your email before talking to Jaal: he will tell you he wants to talk to you. Head to his rooms and he will tell you that he needs to rescue three of his kind from Akksul. This will unlock another “Flesh and Blood” mission. After completing it you will find yourself pointing the gun at Akksul's head while he does the same at Jaal. You will only have a certain window of time to shoot Akksul - don't. Let him shoot and Jaal will be missing. It's the decision Jaal wants you to make, making Akksul's followers discover that Akksul is evil. You will thus gain Jaal's trust thus arriving at the final stage of the romance.
When you return to the Tempest you will get another email from Jaal, asking you to meet his family. Go back to the planet and meet them. Here, too, you will have a limited window of time to hug his mother: do it. Back on the Tempest you will find yourself in Jaal's room with the possibility of declaring your love for him: obviously do it but, remember that this event will block any other romance that you have started.
After the mission "Journey to Meridian" check the email again. Jaal will want to see you on Aya. Go there and find it: it will take you to a hidden area, complete with a waterfall to create the right atmosphere. Confess your love to him once again and the romance will materialize!
Other useful guides on Mass Effect Andromeda:
- Reset a character's abilities
- Trophy Guide
- Scan the planets
- Which training to choose
- How to solve Remnant puzzles
- How to change armor
- Complete guide to romance