If your goal is to have one romance with Suvi, the science officer aboard the Tempest, let's start by saying that you'll have to play with a female Ryder. In fact, the man Ryder will have no chance to finish with Suvi.
How to manage romance
Having a with Suvi is easier than any of the other crew members of the Tempest. Of course, you will still need to be able to choose the right phrases and take the right actions at the right time but, in this case, there will be no need for any Loyalty mission. Just follow our instructions.
- When you are first on the deck of the Tempest, you will have the opportunity to speak with Suvi. Speaking to her, select the “I can show you” option.
- After arriving at, the first explorable colony on Eos, go talk to Suvi again on the bridge of the Tempest. Be sure to tell her "We should talk more about this topic."
- When you have completed the "Wake of Hope" mission, return to the Tempest and talk to her once more. To carry on the romance tell her "You are not alone".
- After completing the Hunt for the Archon mission, talk to her once more. It is at this point that you will see a particular option during the dialogue. By selecting it, you will no longer be able to start other romances, giving yourself completely to Suvi. You can only combine a little something with Keri T'Vessa.
- To complete the romance, the last two acts are missing. Before completing the mission The Journey to Meridian and read the email Suvi sent you. You will need to have performed all the actions we have listed above, without having started any other romance, to receive this email. After reading it and completing the mission, go to the Tech Lab in the Nexus.
Finally you will find the much desired Suvi, ready to get down to business.
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- Romance guide