At first glance the unlocking of the objectives in the new Dishonored 2 it may seem difficult, let's go to see in detail all the objectives and how to get them.
Imperial seal
You recovered your signet ring.
This trophy is related to the main story, it is impossible to miss it as it will be unlocked in mission 1, after taking the ring from Mortimer Ramsey.
Jewel of the South
You have reached Karnaca.
This achievement is also story-related and cannot be missed, as it will be unlocked at the start of Mission 2.
Inner beast
You confronted Doctor Alexandra Hypatia.
This objective is tied to the main story and cannot be left behind, it will be unlocked in mission 3 after defeating "The Crown Killer" Dr. Alexandria Hypatia. After you get the key from her office you will need to talk to her in the morgue, no matter if you killed her or saved her.
Labyrinth of the mind
You found Anton Sokolov at Villa Meccania.
This objective is linked to the story and will be unlocked in the 4th mission, after finding Anton Sokolov at the entrance of Villa Meccania.
One night in 1849
You have visited the past.
Soul thief
You took Delilah's soul.
Down with the Duke
You have eliminated Duke Luca Abele.
The greatest gift
You saved the last member of your family.
Freedom of the press
Save the Dunwall Courier Printer.
This achievement will be unlocked in mission 1 "A Long day in Dunwall", After escaping from the palace you will find yourself in the streets of Dunwall, you will pass in a place called"Dunwall Courier”A building located on the left along the road leading to the port. Arrive at the top floor, here you will find the editor threatened by a soldier. Eliminate the guard and talk to him, once the dialogue is finished he will go to his room, the objective will be unlocked at the end of the dialogue.
Morbid future
Steal a body for Mindy Blanchard.
The objective can be unlocked in mission 2 "Edge of the World“. As soon as the second mission begins, go straight to the Black Market and exit through the back window. Here you will find a woman called Mindy Blanchard, talk to her, she will give you a secondary mission which to be completed, you will have to bring her a dead body that you will find in the Overseer Outpost. Bring it back to her to unlock the achievement.
Execution stopped
stop the guards from pushing someone against the wall of light.
This achievement can be unlocked in mission 2 "Edge of the World". As soon as the mission begins you will find yourself shortly after near a wall of light, this special wall is nothing more than an electrical barrier that kills anyone who is not allowed to access that particular area. Here you will find two enemies intent on punishing a civilian by throwing him against the wall, quickly eliminate the two soldiers thus avoiding the execution to unlock the objective.
Brave fall
Jump from Addermire's highest point and take out an enemy below.
This achievement can be unlocked in mission 3 "The Good Doctor". After the third mission begins, go to the hospital roof. Use the elevator or your powers to reach it. Once you reach the roof stop under the arch (at the edge of the ledge) and jump down onto the enemy below. To kill the falling enemy you have to press R2 / RT "or the basic attack" just before touching the ground. To make your life easier, you can use the crossbow or some explosives to attract the attention of the soldiers, the former is highly recommended as it will not make much noise “.
Talk to Doctor Hypatia aboard the Dreadful Wale.
This objective can be unlocked in mission 3 " The Good Doctor". During this mission, one of your main objectives is to speak to Doctor Hypatia. To unlock the achievement you will need to create the antidote, NO you will have to Kill it! Once you're done talking to her in the morgue, you'll need to find the body of a dying man at the back of the room. The latter will give you a side mission and a combination of a safe. Take the antidote formula inside the safe and create it, once completed you can inject it into Doctor Hypatia with a non-lethal attack "R1 / RB". At the end of the mission you will find yourself on board the Dreaful Wale, talk to Doctor Hypatia to unlock the achievement.
The man who died 3 times
Kill Paul 3 times.
This achievement can be unlocked in several missions " mission 4 and 6". The first chance to kill Paul will show up in mission 4, after which you'll have to play mission 6 lunge to kill him two more times.
#1 Kill (mission 4)
After starting mission 4 go to the black market, as soon as you leave the shop you will find yourself in front of Paolo, kill him. It will be easy to miss it so be careful, if you miss it you will have to reload the save, or do it in new game +.
#2 Kill (mission 6)
Paolo is marked as a primary target. To find it, search the Howler gang's hideout.
#3 Kill (mission 6)
After the second kill Paolo, he will turn into a group of rats, and flee. You can find him above in the Howlers' lair, Paolo is still marked as the main target, track him down and kill him for the last time. Once killed the achievement will be unlocked.
Killing him will block your goal "Clean hands”Which does not plan to kill anyone throughout the game, so make sure you do this when you plan on finishing the game with the maximum level of Chaos.
Eliminate Jindosh without revealing your presence.
This achievement can be unlocked in mission 4 " Clockwork mansion ". During mission 4 you will reach the Clockwork Mansion, here you will find Jindosh your main objective, to be able to kill him however you will have to get him out outside.
To achieve this, you don't need to flip any switches around the Clockwork Mansion or be seen by any soldier. When you activate a button, the palace will change its layout or you will hear an audio message from Jindosh denouncing your presence. Both enemies and Clockwork Mansion workers are not allowed to enter the facility. You can kill Jindosh with a good headshot with your Crossbow. Stay behind the wall, climb over the window and drop down to go unnoticed past the Clockwork Mansion. You can use the elevator, usually there will be a Clockwork mansion attendant, but he won't notice your presence.
Oracle echoes
Hear the voices of the sisters of the oracular order.
Screaming in the soul
Line up with the Howlers in the Dust District.
Faithful to the Abbey
Line up with the Priests in the Powder District.
Open Jindosh's lock without finding the solution elsewhere.
Under the table
Grab Stilton's master key from under the table, with the guards awake unaware.
Flooded Underground
Drain the water and recover the Rune.
Find the secret passage on the balcony.
Forgotten past
You listened to the Meagan Foster story.
Pay your respects to Jessamine for the last time.
You again
He robs Galvani several times.
Occult carver
Craft 10 bone charms.
Lightning Reaper
Eliminate 6 enemies in under 1,5 seconds.
This achievement can be unlocked in mission 2 "Edge of the World". Shortly after passing the first wall of light you will arrive at the Addemire Station, a giant train station with many enemies inside and another wall of light. Behind the box office you will find an arsenal, here you can stock up on grenades. Use them to kill a large amount of enemies inside the station, to unlock the objective you will have to kill 6.
Lethal deviation
Kill an enemy with their own bullets
Circle of life
Cast Possession once, jumping between humans, hounds, rats, fish and blood flies.
Complete a mission without being detected.
Alternative approach
Complete a mission without casualties.
Black market thief
Rob a Black Market shop.
This achievement can be unlocked during mission 2 "Edge of the World". At the beginning of the second mission go through the infected building, go up to the top floor, here you will find an infected with the black market key. Kill him and go back to the market, "where you started the mission" Go through the back window and go inside, once inside open the door with the key taken earlier.
Collect all decorative items from the Dreadful Wall.
Money, money, money
Find 60% of the available loot.
Whispers of the heart
Use your heart to hear the secrets of 40 different people.
Art collector
Obtain all collectible Paintings.
Mechanical collector
Obtain the numbered plaques of 3 Mecha Soldiers.
This achievement can be unlocked in mission 4 "The Clockwork Mansion". You can only do this inside the Clockwork mansion where you will find Jindosh to kill him. Inside the building you will find the robots in question that will hunt you down if you get noticed or cause too much noise. Once you kill a robot, it will self-destruct, leaving a plaque that you need to recover. Retrieve the 3 plates. To make your life easier in killing robots, a remote weapon is recommended, thus hitting them in the head and turning around them if they discover you.
The invisible hand
Eliminate 20 unsuspecting enemies.
Kill 10 enemies with Murderous Jump.
Finish the game without being detected.
Meat and Steel
Finish the game without using supernatural powers.
To unlock this achievement you will have to finish the game without using the magical arts of the two protagonists. as this list indicates:
Corvo Attano
- Blink
- Bend Time
- Dark Vision
- Devouring Swarm
- Possession
Emily kaldwin
- Far Reach
- Mesmerize
- Domino
- Shadow Walk
- Doppelganger
Royal Protector
Finish the game with Corvo Attano.
The Empress
Finish the game with Emily Kaldwin.
In good conscience
Finish the game with a reduced Chaos level.
Empire of Chaos
Finish the game with a high level of Chaos.
Gli Amanti
Link two characters with Domination just before one kills the other.
Songs of Serkonos
Find three musical duos in Karnaca and listen to their songs.
Agile Shooter
Throw a headshot while sliding.
This achievement can be unlocked right from the start. The first opportunity will present itself when you collect the ring in the 1st mission. Highly recommended deactivate the auto aim, through the menu. The achievement can be unlocked by both Corvo and Emily.
Royal spy chief
Find all the diaries and autographs of Meagan Foster and Anton Sokolov on the Dreadful Wale.
Mani pulite
Finish the game without killing anyone.
Dunwall days and Karnaca nights
Collect all Dishonored 2 Trophies.