Review for Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition. Game for Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 22/03/2018 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 18/05/2018
The world of The Legend Of Zelda is certainly very dear to many gamers: the great plains of Hyrule have accompanied us for many hours and several years, giving unique and sometimes exciting experiences. Koei Tecmo then found herself with a lot of weight on her shoulders when she announced Hyrule Warriors. After all, this is the first major spin-off of the saga, and disappointing fans is very simple. The result on Wii U was satisfactory, although Hyrule Warriors was not praised as a masterpiece, the title was received with good positivity, so much so that Koei Tecmo has decided to bring the title to both 3DS and Switch.
As yet another Wii U game to receive a "definitive edition" on Switch, it will be Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition a title valid for purchase at full price?
A Dynasty Zelda Game
Koei Tecmo is an expert in musou development, having tested the genre's gameplay for years through the Dynasty Warriors. In fact, this Hyrule Warriors is nothing more than a reskin of the popular brand of the developer house, with some small citation mechanics, but nothing more. There will therefore be the classic defects of the genre: a not very technical battle system and repetition of the tasks to be performed. Said this, Hyrule Warriors is a great musou, which perfectly manages to bring with it all the strengths of the genre, even putting a few small patches on the defects. THE many usable characters lighten the gameplay a lot, making them tired much less.
This is also because, in different modes, it will be possible to use from 2 to 4 characters, changing them at the most appropriate time. The mechanics of the multiple characters on the field also give a pinch of strategy to the game. It will be possible to give orders to the charactersi that are not being controlled, in order to better distribute the forces and optimize the time available. If this mechanic in easy or normal mode seems superfluous, in hard and hero it becomes fundamental.
After all, in the course of a level it is possible that enemies start counter-offensives, set off bombs, messengers, or whatever. There are also situations in which there will be more than two sides in battle, therefore it becomes vital to manage the forces to keep the situation under control. The title tries to acquire some variety also through the use of the classic objects of the Zelda saga, such as bombs, bow or grappling hook. Unfortunately these items are only used as ways to beat specific bosses, losing much of their usefulness outside of some specific battles.
A lot of content
As already mentioned, Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition offers tons of playable characters, each with their own move set. Koei Tecmo managed to give a fair variety to the moves of each character, which is remarkable considering the presence of figures with very similar weapons, such as Toon Link and Kid Link. The weapon system is well thought out, with multiple weapons available for every possible selectable character. On the other hand, the personalization of the skills is sinful, very linear, quite banal and rather pest
Ma Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition content is not limited to characters; in fact there are 4 modes, each with some unique peculiarities. The hours of play offered are really many, the Legend mode alone does not offer excessive longevity, but the adventure and challenge modes will be able to take many hours. However, this is not about the meager content, all the game modes are of quality and offer interesting rewards if finished. Thanks to the presence of all the DLCs of the original Hyrule Warriors the adventure mode is particularly rich it's interesting. The challenge it offers may interest not only Zelda fans, but especially lovers of the Musou genre.
Different genre, but similar atmosphere
A very important thing in the spin-offs is an atmosphere reminiscent of the original game. Without this detail, the game could be seen as a simple "marketed", a sell the product thanks to a name with which it has nothing to do. Fortunately, Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition isn't like that, the settings, characters and many elements of the Nintendo saga have been revisited with good results. Although the plot does not shine for originality, the various characters that animate it are recognizable not only in appearance but also in behavior.
But what elevates this game to the artistic side is the soundtrack. Not only are there great tracks from some of the original games, but also the original rock-themed remixes of Hyrule Warriors they manage to capture the atmosphere of Hyrule and its key places. Compared to the Wii U version, we experienced fewer framerate drops. The only cases of notable drops have occurred during some cutscenes, played in portable mode. The thing is strange considering how in the gameplay these events have been almost non-existent.
Hyrule Warriors: Definitive edition confirms what good was seen in the Wii U version. The DLCs embellish the game a lot thanks to a more complete adventure mode and interesting and well-made additional characters. Unfortunately, some limitations remain, also due to the genre of belonging, such as the scarce use of objects and some sections that are too redundant. Despite this, musou fans will find bread for their teeth and for Zelda fans it remains a recommended game, with lots of content and some nice gems.
► Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition is a scrolling fighting game developed by Koei Tecmo Nintendo and published by Nintendo for Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 22/03/2018 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 18/05/2018