Review for Mega Man 11. Game for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 02/10/2018
There are software houses that can boast of having written the history of video games: Capcom, for example, could easily claim to have contributed to laying the foundations of several videogame genres still in vogue today. Among these we find the 2D horizontal scrolling platformers and, within this category, one of the ancestors of most of the colleagues in circulation finds place: let's talk about the well-known Mega Man, today back in the limelight with Mega Man 11 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC and Nintendo Switch.
The plot, which has already been seen and reviewed today, faithfully follows that of the first episodes of the series: we find Dr. Light - creator of Mega Man - in contrast with his long-time enemy Dr. Wily. Thanks to a short video we shed light on the events that took place when both scientists were at the beginning of their careers: different points of view on the use or not of power implementers in robotics will lead them to follow that path that will see them in the future bitter enemies.
We are then left with Dr. Light and Mega Man trying to stop Dr. Wily after he installed the Double Gear and modified the software of eight stolen robots. Unfortunately, the device of the mephitic Dr. Wily is too powerful, so to counter it it is necessary to equip our hero with the same device ...
Mega Man 11 strongly refers to the first episodes of the classic series (we therefore exclude the RPG genre and the X series): the Mega Man pure and simple. As in the first episodes we will immediately have the possibility to face any of the eight enemy robots: choosing one or the other should not affect in any way but we have noticed that facing the first four in order facilitates the adventure in the continuation, since some Features of the protagonist are unlocked only after the annihilation of four enemies.
The layout of the schemes follows the main characteristics of the final boss: if - for example - you face Torch Man, expect fire as the basic element of the path. Of course, thanks to the peculiarity of Mega Man of being able to assimilate the abilities of the enemies killed to each boss faced, our abilities increase, giving us the opportunity to face the bristling and insidious path in a more fluid and easy way. We pleasantly discovered that despite the sparse layout, the customization of the path based on the boss to be faced makes the level design varied and never repetitive but we would like to emphasize a consideration that we believe is important: this type of platform and layout is designed for be punitive. Millimeters are important, as is the force exerted on the keys to make a jump: moving with precision and leaving nothing to chance becomes imperative in Mega Man 11.
There are many points in which, despite how much residual energy the protagonist has, death can occur instantly: no contact with spikes or spears is forgiven (unless you are playing at a beginner level), just as every fall equals a premature departed, unless you have purchased the faithful robotic bird in the store that comes to fish you out. This "punitive" aspect of Mega Man 11 should not be confused with either a soulslike spirit or a "trial and error" policy. You can try to tackle a level from the beginning to infinity and at the limit tackle others first while waiting to obtain some important features but, despite this, without having a thorough knowledge of level design, frustration could easily take over newbies, given the little knowledge of titles of this kind; veterans, on the other hand, will have no difficulty in re-settling in a universe they know well.
But Capcom has also added new interesting features that, while adapting perfectly to the context without distorting it, rejuvenate it by infusing a breath of fresh air. First of all we have a store that will allow Mega Man to stock up on extra energy and interesting features such as the ability not to slip on icy surfaces. Then we find our fine canine helper who we can call back at any time for an air transport or an exceptional jump. Finally we have the most important feature of all: the Double Gear System.
Mega Man, powered by Double Gear, temporarily gains the ability to slow down time or increase his offensive ability. These features turn out to be essential depending on the layout of the schemes and the high difficulty that the title offers in general: without the possibility of slowing down time, in fact, facing some sections becomes prohibitive as well as without activating the possibility of increasing cadence and power. offensive becomes difficult to get the better of some bosses at the end of the level.
Finally, Capcom has equipped the robot with the possibility of activating both features when the vital energy is low: this will allow Mega Man a final effort with high capacity useful to overturn a situation of disadvantage. But be careful: while using one skill at a time the bar that represents them will recharge after a given period of time, using them together will forever inhibit the possibility of using them, at least until the end of the level or our departure.
There are therefore few innovations added to the classic style but incredibly enrich the thickness of the title itself. To further increase the value of Mega Man 11 we also find a classic but renewed graphic design: for example, now the robot changes its appearance when it uses one of the powers conquered by the enemies. Both the backdrops, unfortunately practically entirely static, and the enemies enjoy a unique and young character design despite clearly referring to the classics of the saga.
Despite the fluidity of the animations and movements and the care in trying to recreate a title in line with the first episodes of the saga, it is impossible not to notice a somewhat sparse design that could be poor. Even a level of difficulty calibrated upwards and a policy of careful study of the attack patterns of the enemies and the level design can lead to frustration in case you are not a fan of the saga and profound connoisseurs of the myriad titles of the series released in the over the years.
Mega Man 11 is a clear blast from the past of the platforming world. Contextualizing the title, a praise to Capcom is a must, which has not created a mere port of the first episodes of the series, but which has built a new title on them, capable of winks at the past while being current. Newbies may find it frustrating in some respects but we recommend holding on and recovering the first few chapters, which, we are sure, will facilitate them in appreciating Mega Man 11.
► Mega Man 11 is a Platform-Shooter type game developed and published by Capcom for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 02/10/2018