Review for Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. Nintendo 3DS game, the video game was released on 11/10/2014 The version for 3DS came out on 14/02/2015
Barely two years have passed since the day we reviewed the excellent Monster Hunter Generations for Nintendo 3DS, which brought great news to a series that has become stale. Since then, the saga has taken a huge step forward on PlayStation 4, PC and Xbox One with Monster Hunter World, which has enormously raised the graphics quality and the feeling of having a real "action" in your hands thanks to the fluid movements. and the character's acrobatics. However, in 2017 in Japan it came out - even on Nintendo Switch with cross play - Monster Hunter XX, a revised and corrected version of the already excellent Generations. Monster Hunter XX had several highly rated additions, and we in the West have been craving this title for over a year. Finally, here comes this "power-up" on Nintendo Switch, with the title of Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate.
From 3DS to Switch
Considering the fact that the version for 3DS here did not come out (while Monster Hunter Generations was also published in Europe), Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate is the first localized version, waiting for an ad hoc chapter for Switch.
History is only present in a minimal part: the initial plot is just a mere excuse to get immediately into the heart of the action and to present a title that, in effect, turns out to be almost a sort of arcade. We will spend all our time simply challenging monsters from which to loot materials to create higher level armor and weapons e that will allow us to stand up to other even stronger monsters, and so on. Fortunately, Capcom has also thought of all those who have literally "merged" the game during these years on 3DS, developing a free application with which it will be possible to transfer the progress made directly to the Ultimate version.
Additions and improvements
It is important to make that clear Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate is not a new game, but it's more of a remaster with an expansion inside. The base game is and always remains what you have already known, so if you have been great hunters on the 3DS, you should consider for a long time the hypothesis of this purchase based only on what this version adds to the offer. For newbies, however, this chapter is certainly perfect to start, being the most complete and extensive version of the classic titles, without the complications of the all too verbose Monster Hunter World.
The original game featured different fighting styles with which to better customize your own movement and attack preferences: these were the Guild, Air, Offensive and Shadow styles. Two new styles are added to Generations: lo Valiant style and Alchemical style, which greatly expand the customization of each player, adding to them also some brand new battle arts.
Besides that, we also get the usual and famous "Grade G“, The monsters of very high difficulty that are now a tradition for the series. In the Ultimate version some brand new creatures have been added such as Valstrax and Ahtal-Ka, as well as several species of deviants including Cruor Diablos or Fulmen Astalos. Between the three different difficulty levels we will be able to fight against over a hundred different monsters, which however only add quantities to what we are already too used to. Once again, as icing on the cake, we will be able to enjoy taking direct command of our Felyne rather than keeping it as a mere companion in adventure.
Remaster to make you turn up your nose
The fact that the title comes out exclusively on Switch does not make us think about the issue that was originally released on 3DS. This implies an obvious perplexity when a western eye goes to analyze the technical sector of Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate, mere porting from slightly improved 3DS. A 720p resolution certainly has a positive effect, however a bad optimization "forces" us to view everything only at that resolution (without touching 1080 in dock mode), and only 30 fps despite the capabilities of Nintendo's hybrid console. Scenarios and textures are far too poor and little improved from their original version, masking it all with annoying and heavy anti-aliasing. Fortunately, all possible forms of multiplayer have been added, namely local wireless and online.
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate came to us a year and a half late, but at least it did. Nintendo Switch owners will be able to enjoy the widest Monster Hunter adventure currently available, battling dozens and dozens of monsters. Ideal starting point for anyone and perfect continuation for fans who will be able to import their save. It must obviously be evaluated as a title now three years old, and if compared technically with Monster Hunter World it makes a certain fool; however, the amount of content and the (even) portable nature make it a more than good first chapter on Switch waiting for a game from the original series.
► Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is an Adventure-RPG type game developed and published by Capcom for Nintendo 3DS, the video game was released on 11/10/2014 The version for 3DS came out on 14/02/2015