In Mount & Blade II Bannerlord you can buy weapons directly from the numerous traders scattered around the Kingdom of Calradia but you should know that the game also offers you the ability to build your own weapons, from one-handed sword to mace, from powerful two-handed swords to dagger. After having published some useful tips to follow to embark on your adventure, now we propose you a guide on how to use the forge in the medieval RPG developed by TaleWorlds.
Before you can use the forge you will have to fix a few things like first turn some wood (Hardwood) into charcoal (Charcoal) and get loot obtained from enemies in order to unlock new weapon parts. Following our guide you will be able very soon to build powerful and very beautiful aesthetically useful weapons to slaughter your enemies.
How to refine the materials in the forge in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord
Different materials will be required to produce anything in the forge, and to obtain some of them, it will first be necessary to refine others in turn. After using the forge you will need to rest as being a blacksmith will be tiring and for a certain period, until you have recovered energy, you will not be able to produce anything. If you find it unnerving, the waiting time to recover lost energy exists a little trick which consists of saving the game, returning to the main menu and reloading the save to immediately restore your ability to use the forge. At first you will be able to refine the following materials (we will use the terms used in the game for convenience as there is currently no translation):
- Refining 2 Hardwood = 1 Charcoal
- Refining 1 Charcoal and 1 Iron Ore = 2 Crude Iron
- Refining 1 Charcoal and 1 Crude Iron = 1 Wrought Iron
- Refining 1 Charcoal and 2 Wrought Iron = 1 Iron and 1 Crude Iron
Upon reaching a certain number of skill points you will be able to refine advanced materials such as Steel (Steel), Fine Steel (Fine Steel) and Thamskene Steel (Thamskene Steel). Using the forge will increase at the same time the skill points that you will have to assign in the appropriate screen dedicated to your character. Our advice is to buy a good amount of wood (Hardwood) to produce the coal necessary to melt the various objects that you will recover during the fights. Investing some of your money in lumber will always come in handy when you decide to forge any weapon.
Guide on how to merge the spoils of war to create better equipment
At the end of each battle be sure to commandeer as many items as possible left behind by the enemies. It might be tempting to sell weapons and tools to various merchants but we advise you, for now, to keep them with you as you can melt them and transform them into precious raw materials. Smelt will give you significant benefits such as unlocking new weapon parts and skill points to improve your blacksmith profession. The simplest items that can be recovered after a successful fight will be made of wood and will be useful for producing coal. The more advanced objects, on the other hand, such as weapons, can be transformed into different types of iron and even steel and will be fundamental to forge your new and personal weapon.
How to craft weapons in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord
When your skill as a blacksmith is high enough and you have the necessary materials to build the weapon of your dreams, go to the Forge. You will notice that on the left of the screen, on the sword, there will be a scale of difficulty that it will represent the difficulty required to build a particular weapon while next to it - always on the left of the screen but to the right of the sword - yours will be indicated blacksmith skills.
You can choose the type of weapon to be forged clicking on the menu at the top where, by default, you will find written “One Handed Sword”. You will then be able to view and choose the various parts of the weapon such as the type of blade or the handle and will be divided into various classes, from the poorest to the most powerful that will modify the various statistics such as the damage that is in able to do, weight and more. In this guide for Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord we also want to remind you that some parts will not be usable at the beginning and to unlock them you must first melt the weapons recovered from your looting.
The parts you decide to use will increase or decrease the difficulty points needed to build it accordingly. Level 1 parts will add 10 difficulty points to weapon construction while level 5 parts will add 50. For example, making a sword with many elements of level 5 having a low blacksmith skill level could lead to a reduction in overall weapon statistics.
Once you have selected each part of the weapon you want to build and decided the size, just click on the button "Forge" to obtain the long-awaited sword or the perfect javelin.
This ours guide on how to craft weapons in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord ends here and, if you have not already done so, we invite you to read our preview of the game while waiting for the review of the final version.
► Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord is an RPG-Simulation-Adventure game developed and published by TaleWorlds for PC, the video game was released on 30/03/2020