There is a question that haunts many of the Pokémon Go players: where are the unavailable regional monsters located? Niantic, Nintendo and The Pokémon Company have in fact decided to make some specific Pokémon exclusive to some parts of the globe, so as to make some areas unique rather than others. So if you're curious about who has what, here it is Epic Videogames Guide today offers you Pokémon Go - Guide to Regional Pokémon.
During some special events it happens that regional Pokémon are also available where they shouldn't, but generally you have to physically go to the designated places in order to catch them. Let's see what they are together!
First Generation
- Tauros: North America
- Mr. Mime: Europe
- Kangaskhan: Australia
- Farfetch'd: East Asia
Second Generation
- Heracross: South America, South Texas and Florida (USA)
- Corsola: between 32 ° North and 26 ° South
Third Generation
- Relicanth: New Zealand, Fiji, Samoa, etc.
- Zangoose: Auropa, Asia, Australia
- Seviper: North America, South America, Africa
- Lunatone: Europe, Asia, Australia
- Solrock: North America, South America, Africa
- Illumise: North America, South America, Africa
- Volbeat: Europe, Asia, Australia
- Tropius: Africa
- Torkoal: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Part of Oman, Indochina area
Trainers who want to complete the Pokédex will have to travel quite a bit then, a far from easy feat without the special events. In the past there was also talk of migration, an event that actually occurred with Seviper and Zangoose, but for now it is the only concrete testimony and we do not know if it will ever happen with the other monsters.
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