Introduced in early 2017 in Pokémon Go, Shiny Pokémon are a color variant of classic Pokémon that is particularly rare to find. It is not easy to come across one of these specimens so much that the probability calculated by users is between 1 in 128 and 1 in 8192. Furthermore, in the game of Niantic, Nintendo and The Pokémon Company, all the chromatic variations of our beloved little monsters are not yet present and it is therefore good to know which of these is worth investing your time on.
The Shiny Pokémon, however, do not bring with them particular improved statistics or high levels, it is in fact a very rare aesthetic variation which can only be of interest for collection purposes. Despite this, however, hunting for Shiny Pokémon is a very popular practice in the classic series and even in Pokémon Go the coaches have fun discovering these little sparkling rarities.
The basic rules
- Where to find the Shiny:
- Wild Pokémon: the wild Shiny are revealed to the player only when the capture is engaged, the chromatic variations are therefore not visible on the game map.
- Pokémon Raid Boss: Shiny Raid Bosses are revealed to the player only when they are defeated and the capture is engaged, the chromatic variations are not visible during the fight.
- Pokémon Eggs: Shiny's eggs are exactly the same as those of other Pokémon. The chromatic monsters will reveal themselves only when the egg hatches.
- How to spot them:
- Animation while capturing: When a Shiny reveals itself to the player, a special effect will appear at the end of the Pokémon presentation animation indicating the discovery. It is a sparkle, of the stars that move circularly with a precise sound attached.
- Color variations: Shiny are not always identifiable at first glance. In fact, some have little different colors from the regular versions and you don't always notice that you have a rare specimen in front of you. So if you suspect that you have a Shiny Pokémon in front of you and you have lost the animation of the point above, a good practice is to focus on details such as the color of the eyes, streaks or whiskers.
- In the team screen: if you have captured a Shiny and you have not noticed it and if you also struggle to understand the color differences with the normal versions, a good practice to identify it is to check if any small ones appear in the background of the status screen of the pokémon itself floating stars.

Thanks to PokèmongoPocket.com for the image
Which Pokémon are Shiny?
- Generation 1
- Magikarp, Gyarados, Pikachu, Raichu
- Generation 2
- Pichu
- Generation 3
- Sableye, Duskull, Dusclops, Banette, Shuppet, Snorunt, Glalie, Mawile, Absol
Where are these Pokémon caught?
- Egg: Magikarp, Pichu, Sableye, Duskull, Shuppet, Snorunt
- Wild: Magikarp, Pikachu, Sableye, Duskull, Shuppet, Snorunt
- Raid Boss: Magikarp, Mawile, Absol
- Evolution: Gyarados, Pikachu, Raichu, Dusclops, Banette, Glalie
For the moment, therefore, only some Pokémon can be found in the Shiny form and if you are therefore interested in finding them, this guide will surely be useful to you! We also remind you that the Epic Videogames Guide editorial team has recently published other Pokémon Go guides containing tips on using the Star Piece and the Weather System. So we just have to wish you good hunting coaches!