After Mewtwo it's now Deoxys' turn! Yes, you got it right: in Pokémon GO the new monster of Raid EX is now the mysterious Deoxis coming directly from Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire who also brings some important news with him!
It is in fact the possibility of inviting a friend to an EX Raid which has reached a level of three out of four hearts of friendship. Absolute news this sharing, in this way, however, you will have more chances of catching it as you will get a bonus of two Premierballs additional to those usually attributed.
Deoxys is a pure psycho-type pokémon, that means the appropriate counters to face it are very similar to those of Mewtwo and therefore you should already have a team suitable for the occasion. As always, it is recommended that you have reached a trainer level of at least 30, have a pokémon team of the same level and face the EX raid boss in 8 or more players.
- Mewtwo - Psycho Cut and Shadow Ball
- Tyranitar - Bite and Crunch
- gengar - Misfortune and Shadow Ball
- Scizor - Furry cutter and X scissors
- Absolutely - Urlorabbia and Neropulsar
- Banette - Shadow Claw and Shadow Ball
- Houndoom - Urlorabbia and Ripicca
- Pinsir - Coleomorso and Scissor X
Nintendo, The Pokémon Company International, and Niantic have set the first EX raid bosses starring Deoxys for the October 2 2018 throughout the day, we just have to wish you a good fight and a good catch!