Legendary? No thanks! Today Epic Videogames Guide is here to introduce you Pokémon Go - Individual Battle Guide Raid Boss Cloyster, a level two raid boss sure, but one that's a tough nut to crack if you're not well prepared. In the dynamics of the Niantic, Nintendo and The Pokémon Company application, Cloyster plays an important role, so let's find out how to best deal with it without the help of other players!
Why is Cloyster so important in the game? Probably due to its particular type Water / Ice, a type that is useful against Dragon and Flying Pokémon, types to which many of the legendaries belong.
Recommended prerequisites:
- Minimum player level: 30
- Minimum pokémon level: 30
- Weaknesses: Struggle, Grass, Rock, Electric
- Time available: 180 seconds
Team to use:
- Raikou: Tuonoshock & Sprizzalampo
- Mewtwo: Psycho Cut & Focus Shot
- Hariyama: Counter & Dynamic Punch
- Machamp: Counter & Dynamipugno
- Jolteon: Thunder Shock & Lightning
- Ampharos: Shock Rays & Cannon Falcon
- Blaziken: Counter & Focus Shot
- Ho-Oh: Steel & Solar Beam
If you meet the requirements and are lightning fast in attacking, the Raid Boss Cloyster will be defeated within the time limit of 180 seconds and you will have access to the capture session. Remember that clever use of golden berries and curved shoots will increase your chances of catching.
If you want to know more about the world of Pokémon Go, you can also consult the following guides:
- Pokémon Go - Individual Battle Raid Boss Ninetales Guide
- Pokémon Go - Individual Battle Guide Raid Boss Porygon
- Pokémon Go - Guide to the Weather System
- Pokémon Go - Guide to Regional Pokémon