Among the most iconic Pokémon of all time is him, the specter par excellence, Gengar! A funny-looking and at the same time a little disturbing little monster, but which has always been a great success despite the years since its debut. Finding a specimen with good statistics is not easy, however, so here is that Epic Videogames Guide offers you Pokémon Go - Individual Battle Guide Raid Boss Gengar, a guide to face and capture the powerful ghost Pokémon!
In the game balances created by Niantic, The Pokémon Company and Nintendo, Gengar turns out to be a good striker against the very rare Mewtwo, weak precisely to the spectrum type. This is why it is important to take home a specimen with good statistics.
Recommended prerequisites:
- Minimum player level: 30
- Minimum pokémon level: 30
- Weaknesses: Earth, Dark, Psychic, Ghost
- Time available: 180 seconds
Team to use:
- Mewtwo: Confusion & Psychic
- Tyranitar: Bite & Crunch
- Groudon: Mud Shot & Earthquake
- Golem: Mud Slap & Earthquake
- Alakazam: Confusion & Divination
- Gardevoir: Confusion & Shadow Ball
- Lugia: Extrasense & Divination
- Espeon: Confusion & Divination
If you meet the requirements and are lightning fast in the attack, the Raid Boss Gengar will be defeated within the time limit of 180 seconds and you will have access to the capture session. Remember that clever use of golden berries and curved shoots will increase your chances of catching.
If you want to know more about the world of Pokémon Go, you can also consult the following guides:
- Guide to Regional Pokémon
- Guide to Raid Boss Rayquaza
- Guide to the Star Piece
- Guide to the Weather System