Finding a valid fighting-type monster in Pokémon GO is not at all easy. Despite the arrival of the third generation, the best choice for your team continues to remain the first generation Pokémon Machamp. In the balance of the game created by Niantic, Nintendo and The Pokémon Company, Machamp is in fact essential to be able to defeat some giants such as Tyranitar as well as many of the well-known legendary Pokémon.
Epic Videogames Guide therefore offers you today the Individual Battle Raid Boss Machamp Guide, which will give you all the information you need to be able to face the Pokémon fighting in complete autonomy, so that you can grab it for your very personal team. But get ready because it won't be an easy battle at all!
Recommended prerequisites:
- Minimum player level: 30
- Minimum pokémon level: 30
- Weaknesses: Psychic, Flight, Elf
- Time available: 180 seconds
Team to use:
- Mewtwo: Confusion, Psychic
- Alakazam: Confusion, Divination
- Lugia: Extra Sense, Divination, or Air Attack
- Exeggutor: Extrasense, Psychic
- Espeon: Confusion, Divination, or Psybeam
- Gardevoir: Confusion, Magibrillio
- Dragonite: Codadrago, Tornado
- Ho-Oh: Extrasense, Baldeali
- Charizard: Ethereal, Flush
If you meet the requirements and are lightning fast in attacking, the Raid Boss Machamp will be defeated within the time limit of 180 seconds and you will be able to access the capture session. Finally remember that clever use of golden berries and curved shoots will increase your chances of catching.