Bulbasaur and Squirtle, who have gotten a new Gigamax form, aren't the only starters you can get in the new Pokémon Sword and Shield expansion, which continues to present some welcome surprises.
In the new DLC for Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield, Lonely Island of Armor, you can get one of the starter Pokémon of Pokémon Sun and Moon, even if it won't be that simple.
The only way to get this trio is to follow the Alolan Diglett research mission. There are 150 Alolan Digletters scattered throughout the Isle of Armor, of which some areas will host up to 20. Following this side mission you can get some pretty good rewards, mainly Alolan Pokémon with hidden abilities, including Starters. .
To get the Starters you will need to send at least 100 to their trainer, then you'll have to fully explore the Wilds. When you return to talk to the coach, you will be given one of the Alola starters with the hidden ability, based on the Galar Pokémon you chose at the start of the game.
- Rowlet, if Grookey is chosen, with the Detachment ability.
- Litten, if Scorbunny is chosen, with the Boss ability.
- Popplio, if Sobble is chosen, with the Water Voice ability.
For the other two starters, you will have to look for another way to get them, perhaps by asking a friend to swap it or using the new Pokémon Home system, which allows you to transfer Pokémon from the Nintendo 3DS Pokémon Bank.
► Pokémon Sword and Shield is an RPG type game developed by Game Freak and published by Game Freak Nintendo for Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 15/11/2019