Calyrex, the latest Legendary Pokémon in Pokémon Sword and Shield, is one of a kind. Its peculiarity is that of having interchangeable shapes, that is to be able to unite with another legendary and form a more powerful creature with a simple object. His story is told in The Snowy Lands of the Crown, which describes him as:
The king of legends who ruled over Galar in the distant past. It is able to calm souls and make vegetation sprout.
This guide was created with the aim of explaining not only how to get it but above all how to separate Calyrex from the other Pokémon. The method is intuitive enough, but the game doesn't bother to warn the player how to do it.
How to get Calyrex and forms
Let's briefly summarize how to get Calyrex. The Legendary Psychic / Grass Pokémon is obtained after capturing it at the end of main quest of The Snowcapped Lands of the Crown, Pokémon Sword and Shield DLC. To get it, you just need to interact with him and advance the story. This plans to:
- Collect Carrot Seeds from the NPC in Freezedale in exchange for 8 Rocks max.
- Plant carrots to attract Calyrex's faithful steed - Glastrier or Spectrier depending on where the carrot is planted, the Snowy Valley or the Ancient Graveyard.
- Create the Bond Bridles using the Shiny Petal (provided by Calyrex) and a tuft of white or black horsehair (after encountering the equine).
- Reunite Calyrex and Glastrier / Spectrier at the Crown Temple and finally capture it.
The Bond Bridles have in fact the power to unite the two legendary Pokémon and merge them into a single creature: Calyrex Glacial Knight or Calyrex Spectral Knight, with an adjoining increase in statistics, type change and new moves.
- If Calyrex joins Glastrier he becomes Ice Knight, a tough physical attacker, takes on the Psychic / Ice dual type, the skill becomes Equine Attunement, and learns Ice Spear.
- If Calyrex joins Spectrier he becomes Spectral Knight, a special and fast attacker, takes on the double Psychic / Ghost type, the ability becomes Equine Attunement and learns Astral Shards.
How to separate Calyrex
Calyrex can only be captured and added to your squad in its united form of Ice Knight and Spectral Knight. To separate the two Pokémon we will need to use the Bond Bridles once again, which will reverse the process.
- Open the game menu and select Backpack.
- Find the Bond Bridles in the Basic Tools section.
- Make sure you have at least one free slot on your team.
- Select the Bond Bridles and then Calyrex to separate the two Pokémon.
Calyrex and Glastrier / Spectrier will be separated and the peculiar move will be automatically forgotten. The two can be reunited at any time and regain all the features listed above.
This was the guide on how to obtain and separate Calyrex from Glastrier and Spectrier. For all the other numerous guides on Pokémon Sword and Shield, exclusively for Nintendo Switch, we invite you to click on the name of the game, while for the review of the DLC in which Calyrex is the protagonist just click on the Snowy Lands of the Crown.
► Pokémon Sword and Shield is an RPG type game developed by Game Freak and published by Game Freak Nintendo for Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 15/11/2019