Review for Radiant History: Perfect Chronology. Nintendo 3DS game, the video game was released on 29/06/2017
In November 2010, Radiant Historia was born, a JRPG developed by Atlus and advertised by Deep Silver, intended for the first Nintendo DS. After almost eight years, the title returns to the Nintendo 3DS with new content, plus a completely fresh look. We are talking about Radiant History: Perfect Chronology, a title that will probably make you brush up on the console February 16.
You live on "if" and "but"
On the continent of Vainqueur, civil war rages between the cities of Alistel and Granorg. According to the suppositions of the people of Alistel, Granorg is responsible for the Plague of the Desert, a mysterious disease that absorbs the mana from all living creatures and reduces them to sand. Although this setting may seem very basic, the plot will definitely reveal itself interesting and captivating after a few hours of play: many JRPGs are often subject to a certain linearity of the plot, but this is not the case with Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology. The first peculiarity that immediately catches the eye of the player will be the ability to navigate between past and present through time nodes, in order to change the course of history or influence some events so that they give different results in the near future.
The title "It's Never Too Late" fits the situation of Stocke, a secret agent of Alistel who will find himself in possession of the White Chronicles, a book that will allow him to act freely between past and present. Following the first game events, Stocke will find himself at a crossroads consisting of two parallel but paradoxically connected timelines, as some choices or actions completed in one can affect some important details in the other. Going through the two stories through time leaps, it will be possible to shape the course of events according to the right path in order to avoid the desertification of the continent: unfortunately, bitter truths will await the young spy of Alistel.
Perfect Chronology!
The plot of Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology is certainly the spearhead of this title: particular, full of choices, twists and dramas. Atlus played the cards well in this port, leaving the story untouched, what absolutely should not be changed in this title. However, he placed a new scenario around and isolated from the central plot developments with an unprecedented new character. Stocke will be summoned by Nemesia aboard her Dunamis, an airship capable of leading them to new adventures that transcend timelines, in which we will witness “What-if” scenarios different from those present throughout history.
While the completion of this content does not affect the story, it will allow Stocke to discover some insights into the background of the continent of Vainqueur and what brought his former empire to ruin. Finally, in Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology we will have the Vault of Time, a new dungeon that can be progressively explored as the story progresses. In these temporal corridors it will be possible to farm the Mementos, entities released by the defeated monsters that will allow the acquisition of some new objects and techniques for Stocke and companions.
A turn-based and strategic battle system at the same time
As the title of the paragraph suggests, in Radiant Historia you must also know how to plan your attack scheme if you don't want to end up badly: sometimes a small mistake can cost you dearly if you don't have a real strategy in mind. This is basically due to the CTB shift system, which can be partly altered by ourselves using the Change command. Using this particular function, we will be able to exchange the turn of one character with another or even with an enemy. In this way we will be able to best shape our strategies, but the price to pay for using the Change can be lethal, as those who swapped the turn will suffer more from the damage received until their next turn. In this combat system, enemies can move freely in a 3 × 3 board, the distance of which from the player's party will affect the effectiveness of physical damage.
It is thanks to this chessboard that the real strategic phase comes into play. Radiant Historia party members can use their abilities to attack and move the enemy one square at the same time, while others are able to place traps on a certain square. The combinations to inflict much more damage are endless and the key to victory for the toughest battles is always and only in the mind of the player, who will receive a sense of satisfaction in seeing his machinations come to fruition, such as hurling in air an enemy and then drop it into an adjacent square where a poisonous trap was previously placed.
A new look, fresh and clean
If the sound sector has not received any news, apart from the new tracks present in the contents of the port, giant steps have been taken from the graphic side. A total renewal will delight fans who played the title born on DS thanks to a refresh of Portrait, cleaner and more dynamic thanks to the changes of expression according to the lines of dialogue and the arrival of some scenes in GC that give the extra touch to the most epic and important moments in the history of Stocke. The battle interface has also benefited from improvements, made less edgy and more detailed to give a more sense of completeness. And finally, let's face it, finally having an animated opening movie and a background theme is certainly a welcome novelty.
The porting also introduced a dubbing in English - although applied only to important characters - complete for each scene and particularly cared for to give more pathos to the gloomy and arduous situations that the player will have to face in the role of Stocke.
If you need a valid motivation to take back your Nintendo 3DS and put it back in your hands, there is no better solution than Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology. A substantial JRPG with not indifferent longevity, an out of the ordinary plot capable of involving the player thanks to the many choices and paths available awaits you. If you have already loved the title born on Nintendo DS, it will be the new fresh and loose look of Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology with its new contents to make you fall in love again with the wonderful story of Stocke and companions.
► Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology is a JRPG type game developed by ATLUS and published by Deep Silver for Nintendo 3DS, the video game was released on 29/06/2017
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