You have just purchased Tom Clancy ”s: The Division and do you feel lost? Not sure how to navigate through all those complicated menus, weapons and stats? Then you have come to the correct place. By following our advice everything will be clearer.
1) Do you want to climb quickly or take it slow?
Yes, you got it right, the first suggestion is a question: do you want to level like crazy Koreans or take it easy and complete all the secondary objectives? Try to quickly understand your way, as the subsequent suggestions will also depend on this choice.
For our part, however, we can only recommend the longer route for two simple reasons: firstly it is more profitable, both in terms of money and equipment and resources, secondly because all the secondary missions, encounters and "dungeons" that you will find in Manhattan they will be well made and fun to complete.
If instead you choose the fastest route, completing only the main missions and quickly reaching the maximum level, our advice is only one: explore all the areas you visit to the maximum. Although it may not give the impression, The Division, is chock full of secrets and hidden loots.
2) Destroy or sell the equipment and weapons
Based on your previous choice, you will now have to choose what to do with your inventory, which will often fill up very quickly. Once you have accumulated many weapons and equipment, the choices will be two: destroy them to obtain useful pieces to create new weapons, or sell them for money.
Approaching the title with a calmer pace, completing all the side missions and cleaning up all the areas that will appear in front of you, you will certainly not have money problems, so selling weapons is definitely not the right choice. The best option therefore remains to destroy all unnecessary objects and reuse the huge amount of materials to craft new and more powerful ones.
If, on the other hand, you aim to reach the maximum level as quickly as possible, all you have to do is sell everything that comes your way. The money that you will earn only with the main missions, most likely, will not be enough to buy the items necessary for such a rapid continuation. By selling all the useless items instead, you will also be able to buy several blue weapons after a few hours of gameplay.
3) Study the commands well
It may sound silly advice, but we assure you it is not. The Division it is full of inputs that are not even explained openly in the early stages of the game, but which can still help a lot during the adventure.
- First of all: the consumable wheel. Many of you will already know it, but just as many we are sure not. This magical option will allow you to use some very useful items, for example: rations of food, water and special projectiles. These items, if used at the right time, will give you a nice advantage over the enemy. The wheel is activated by pressing and holding the button to use the medical kits.
- Another interesting option is the ability to highlight enemies with the d-pad. By aiming at an enemy and pressing the arrow key up you can highlight it and see it even from a very distance.
- By pressing the right trigger (or the appropriate button on the pc) you can use the gun's sight, as in an fps
4) Use your head!
Tom Clancy's: The Division all in all a shooter, but your shooting skills will not be of primary importance for completing missions. A cohesive group and a lot of strategy are the basis for the success of every action in this title.
An interesting detail, which you will surely notice right away, is the positioning of the enemies and their movements. Especially the veterans or the elite will always be coordinated and above all with a superfine aim to say the least.
Never get caught or in a dead end. Outflank the enemies and hold on to your companions.
5) Unlock the shelters to move around the map
We understand very well how easy it is to get lost in the streets of Manhattan, by not calculating the secondary shelters present for the map. Nothing more wrong. By reaching the secondary shelters you will get a new place to take refuge, buy items, craft equipment, get information on the quadrant where they are located etc. Another important resource is given by the fact that by visiting these outposts you will unlock the rapid journey towards them, greatly facilitating your continuation.