You want to quickly level up in Tom Clancy's: The Division? follow our advice and level 30 will be yours in a few days.
Play hard mode (but in moderation)
Completing missions on a higher difficulty than normal will not increase the amount of experience you gain at the end of the raids, but will put you ahead of many more veterans and elites. These particular opponents will be displayed on the screen with different colored life bars (purple and yellow) and above all they will guarantee you much more experience after their death.
Be careful though, do not try hard mode missions if you are not of the right level, especially if in a team. The other higher level players will certainly be able to help you kill as many enemies as possible and gain a lot of experience, but with you in a team they will hardly be able to complete the mission, making you a burden.
Avoid the Dark Zone
Any action in the Dark Zone will not increase your Agent rank, but your Dark Zone Level. It goes without saying that facing this area, full of interesting objects, will slow down the level progress considerably. So if you want to hurry to reach level 30 at any cost, postpone your first excursion into the Dark Zone as late as possible.
Unlock the benefit "Expert Agent"
Among the indispensable advantages in your adventure, "Expert Agent" certainly stands out among all. By upgrading the security wing by building the Situation Room, at the cost of 500 points, you will get this advantage which will increase the amount of all experience points you will earn by 10%.
Prioritize primary missions
Given the fun that secondary missions and encounters can hide, we are sorry to give you this advice, which is certainly necessary. If you want to quickly level up you will have to complete only the main missions, completely ignoring, or almost completely, the other tasks. These missions will grant you such an amount of experience that, individually, they outclass dozens of side quests.