Apex Legends it is the Battle Royale title of the moment and is registering important successes from the point of view in the number of users, constantly growing and able to shake even giants such as, first of all, Fortnite.
In our pages we have already advised you how to quickly earn experience points and how to best use the auxiliary shield; today we are going to talk about the rarest Wraith knife, one of the selectable classes in the game.
The Wraith Knife is part of a very rare set in the game called "Heirloom" (or Heirloom set). The weapon can only be found by opening the Apex Packs in the game, i.e. the packages you get gaining experience and by leveling up or by spending Apex Coins in our possession.
In fact, the Wraith's knife has one purely aesthetic purpose: the weapon in fact does not increase the damage or the characteristics of the character, but acts only as a skin. Together with the knife you will receive, in the same package, an exclusive banner pose e an intro phrase for the Wraith.
The object is still very rare, in fact it cannot be crafted using the craft materials in our possession and, by opening an Apex package, there is a 1% chance to find an heirloom inside.
The only way to get the heirloom with certainty is to open up to 500 Apex Packs: the game in fact ensures that within the XNUMXth package you can find at least one family heirloom.
Continue to follow us on the pages of Epic Videogames Guide for new guides on Apex Legends.