After defeating the fascinating and disturbing Azai Nagamasa, it's time for another of the human bosses of Nioh 2, Saika Magoichi.
Saika Magoichi: appearance and origins
Saika Magoichi, old acquaintance for the players of the first Nioh, is a human enemy who he has a Guardian Spirit with him that allows him to fly. Historically Suzuki Magoichi, or also Saiga or Saika, is the name given to the leader of the famous mercenary group called Saika Ikki, famous for the type of armament of his troops, which included a particular rifle, like the one held by the boss in question. There are three figures remembered with the name of Saika / Suzuki / Saiga Magoichi, of which one was probably the father of the other two. The most famous of the three is Suzuki Shigehide ed remained in the memory for having supported the Ikko resistance against Oda Nobunaga. There are many doubts that surround this figure, starting from the veracity of his name up to the mystery that hovers around his departure, but on one thing the various sources seem to agree: he was a warrior with excellent qualities. Could the Saika Magoichi we see in Nioh 2 inspired by him?
Main attacks
Saika Magoichi is able to hit you easily and effectively at both long and short range: he owns a rifle and a katana, and knows how to use both weapons with skill. However, don't worry, it has a predictable and easy to learn moveset. Let's start with the simplest attacks, namely i short range slashes with the katana, to parry or dodge and then attack it. With the rifle, however, he is able to shoot you from long range, whether it is in the air or if it is "on the ground floor"; to avoid his bullets run in circles or parry. Saika Magoichi is then able to send towards you fiery shockwaves, which can be contained using the Explosive Counterattack or by running in circles at all times. When it flies it is then able to perform a very harmful hold, to be avoided absolutely. Through his Guardian Spirit he is also able to hit you with flaming waves and seeking fireballs; both of these attacks are absolutely to be avoided by moving away from the boss. Also beware of his bombs, they can be very annoying. If you can, take advantage of the columns present in the arena to shelter you.
Tips for attack and various vulnerabilities
Like any human enemy of Nioh 2, Saika Magoichi it is vulnerable to poison and paralysis (Ninjutsu lovers, step forward!). The best way to deal with him is to try to keep him at a medium distance, make him attack and take advantage of the moments of calm to attack him in turn. Try to avoid his moves by running in circles, or parrying, and try to get behind him, where possible, to hit him more easily. Hit him even while he gets off the flight, so it will fall to the ground helpless and you can inflict damage on it without problems. For those who played the first Nioh, it will also be enough to remember the previous fight, since the boss is practically identical to the past.
final Thoughts
Saika Mgoichi is not a complex boss to face: you just need to understand his strategy and learn a little about his (predictable) moveset and you're done. And if you have Poison and Paralysis at your disposal, victory will be even easier.
Difficulty: 2,5/5
Appearance: 4/5
Thematic inspiration: 3,5/5
Overall rating: 3 / 5
► Nioh 2 is an Action-RPG type game developed by Team Ninja and published by Koei Tecmo for PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 13/03/2020