Review for Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist. Game for PlayStation Network, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 30/07/2015 The version for PC came out on 07/12/2016 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 31/07/2015
If you win you will be the strongest, if you lose in the shadows you will remain ... how much water passed under the bridges since 1998, the year in which the first animated series of Yu-Gi-Oh! peeped out on cathode ray tube televisions and the explosive phenomenon of Konami collectible cards began. Who would have thought that Yugi's hair was just the beginning of the bizarre of the series, which in any case has always been based on the thousands of cards, combinations and always new rules that have allowed the Duel Monsters to get to the present day and make their way in the field of video games.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution is the latest video game inspired by the famous cards that returns to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Since a version for Nintendo Switch, released last year, is already on the market, it's easy to get confused: in essence, Link Evolution is an updated re-release of Legacy of the Duelist with more cards (including Links) and a new campaign, inspired by the latest anime of Yu-Gi-Oh !, VRAINS. These new contents, which will arrive for free on Switch, were an opportunity for Konami to re-propose the game in its freshest and most definitive version.
Five years and hear them all
The game was and remains a low-frills title that speaks a common language with Yu-Gi-Oh! Fans: approaching Legacy of the Duelist from one point of view graphic it would be to make a sensational mistake, because it is clear as day that the guys from Other Ocean didn't try too hard, making scorched earth around the beating heart of the cards. The almost absence of uploads, on the other hand, is a strong signal that confirms what the title is Spartan and designed for one purpose only: to play one, ten, one hundred games in campaign mode or online without paying too much attention to form.
In fact, he appears naked, without frills and lace that can act as a mirror of larks, with an identity imprint frankly difficult to find. Very few cutscenes that would fully demonstrate the use of any graphic engine: the survivors are interrupted abruptly and are relegated to a select few during the duels, such as the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, the Black Wizard and other monsters entered into the imagination collective. Comments comparing Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution to una glorified PowerPoint presentation, whose slides are the best you can get in the Campaign, which is the main mode of the game.
The campaign itself allows you to relive all animated series of Yu-Gi-Oh! (Yu-Gi-Oh !, GX, 5D's, ZEXAL, V-ARC, VRAINS) in their most iconic moments, with faithful and updated decks throughout the history of their respective owners. It starts with the story of Yugi Muto, his rivalry with Seto Kaiba and their connection with ancient Egypt up to the very recent VRAINS and its protagonist Yusaku Fujiki, who has a dueling alter ego in the world of virtual reality. The recipe is identical for each series: static background slides as a base, a pinch of characters that rotate over them to scroll through the dialogues, duel to taste, mix and repeat everything.
We also open a small parenthesis on localization, precise in the cards but less fortunate in the course of the dialogues, where it is literal perhaps due to adherence to the Japanese text.
In the punctual duel with a minimal background it will be possible to use the Story Deck or the User Deck. The first reflects the deck used in the anime and will be more balanced, the second is the one that we will be able to customize and feel less Yugi, Jaden and company singer. It is also possible to change the point of view of the duelist, fighting as the "enemy" on duty. The duel will advance the story between enlarged land magic cards spread on the field and rather colorless music not only for the purpose of ticking the narrative arcs, but above all to obtain victory points that can be spent at the card shop.
Il shop it is certainly the fastest way to accumulate cards and modify the various starting decks that will be proposed to us, but it is necessary to play the campaign to unlock the avatars of the characters and their booster packs, packs of 8 cards each to be paid with the victory points previously won. In the game there are no microtransactions that could easily get out of hand depending on the user and the desire to obtain the over 10.000 cards present. Between Fusioni, Synchro and Pendulum, legend has it that if you are looking for a card there is good reason to believe that it is in Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution. The real problem with this immense Smaug treasure is its management.
Honey, my cards have shrunk
In short, the developers limited themselves to grinding cards upon cards making them adhere to the game rules, aimed at bringing the opponent's Life Points to zero using a deck consisting of at least 40 cards including increasingly particular monsters, spells and traps . THE many tutorials which explain the rudiments and the most advanced techniques of play certainly do a good job and are dedicated to those who have not grown up on bread and Yu-Gi-Oh! or to those who abandoned ship with the arrival of the Elemental Heroes and the Synchros.
Just take a tour in the option Edit Deck to see what we mean: the amount of cards is so large that they almost seem to overflow from the screen, reduced to tiny size to prevent this from happening (and the thought on small screens makes you shiver). The HUD is not adequate to a long and sensitive process like building a deck, especially if from scratch. The eye will inevitably go to the mini cards to get an idea of the whole, despite the card in the center of the TV on display, with consequent headaches.
The images are worth a thousand words and it's a shame that Other Ocean hasn't thought of a better system for this hotbed of possible victories: missing among the filters (struggling with a division of monsters, spells and traps) some essential research as one management of favorites or a system that places the cards Recent obtained from the booster packs at the top, without having to look for them or write the name of the card in the hope of finding it first as a low-alloy PC. Another missed opportunity is a feature of zoom, who could have brought the deck to full screen to get a visual idea of his creation.
The function of correlated cards, that is linked or in synchrony of effects to any card, is welcome. To give a practical example, the related cards of a Zombie include monsters such as Master Zombie and spells such as Book of Life and Call of the Mummy, so those interested in a certain type of deck just click, take notes and add the recommended cards. to start forming a winning strategy. Best wishes in navigation, however.
Win the effort, this is your life
What else does Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution? Duels, duels and more duels. By defeating a character once and for all in the Campaign mode, it will be unlocked as a duelist in the appropriate section divided by series, with one substantial difference: the duelist will have changed deck and above all mentality, becoming much stronger. Here then is Mako Tsunami unleashing the ritual force of the Gishki or Marik's henchman to prevent any kind of attack until he has drawn all the pieces of Exodia and automatically win the game. In comparison the countryside is a walk in the park and it can be said that the real challenges are difficult mode start here, and then flow into multiplayer online.
Playing against complete strangers in Yu-Gi-Oh! it is a bit like accessing the deep web: you have to know what you are doing and you have to be prepared for the worst, because strategies and card linking will be on the agenda. Surely this is the most ideal mode of the pack for the most competitive, but we recommend that you do more than one round against offline duelists before attempting to raise the national flag.
There is also the so-called "Battle Pack”, A bet that consists in buying a random deck of 50 cards and using it for a limited number of duels online or against the game AI. The prize at stake is the same deck: to earn it you have to win three games out of five, otherwise you will have to spend more points and play with another deck. As attractive and fun as it may seem to tune into an unfamiliar deck, we preferred other modes to avoid familiarizing yourself with new monsters with the aforementioned HUD and to optimize gaming sessions.
Finally, we need to spend the last words on the game settings, scarce between only the audio balance and game prompts during duels from more to less invasive. With the "Default" option, which we recommend you disable as soon as you start Legacy of the Duelist, placing a trap card will condemn you to prompt every turn of the duel (each turn consists of six phases: Draw Phase, Standby Phase, Main Phase, Battle Phase, Main Phase 2, End Phase) which will ask you if you want to activate it or not - this will greatly disturb the pace of the game, but on the other hand with the “Pro” option it could happen that a trap like Mirror Force doesn't fire when it should, because it needs lightning-fast player action. We also reluctantly report that errors are not justifiable in Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution.
It is not possible to delete a choice once taken by mistake, with consequent repercussions on the game. One wrong move will have a fundamental impact: it will be better to leave and start over, with 8.000 Life Points.
There is a trap card called the Time Machine, which brings a defeated monster back to the field. Similarly Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution is brought back to PS4 and Xbox One, but this time with an even more disproportionate number of collectible cards, around 10.000. Among campaigns that follow in the footsteps of the animated series, including the new Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS, and online multiplayer the game will appeal to true fans of Duel Monsters. Except for the cards, reported with respect to the official rules of the Konami brand, as from a time machine the title of Other Ocean seems to have re-emerged from another generation proposing the same defects of years ago. A dizzying HUD that does not allow optimal card management and sparse graphics, all combined with not having a defined personality means that Legacy of the Duelist remains anchored on the bottom and is swept by the currents. Perhaps cards are not everything, and this Forbidden Memories he understood well.
► Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist is a turn-based Simulation-Strategy-Game type game developed by Other Ocean Interactive and published by Konami for PlayStation Network, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 30/07/2015 The version for PC came out on 07/12/2016 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 31/07/2015