Age of Empires 4 has finally been shown with detailed gameplay along with numerous details for the future of the series.
During the event dedicated to the series, Microsoft announced some information including the release window of Age of Empires 4. The title will be released during the fall of 2021 on PC and will be available from day one onXbox Game Pass.
At the same time it was also revealed that from today the first three chapters of the series are available on the Xbox Game Pass. This is news that will please both old fans of the game and new recruits, who will be able to discover one of the milestones of RTS. Age of Empires 4 will include four campaigns upon its release, including that Norman. This will start following the events of William of Normandy in its fight against King Harold for the control of England; later the focus will shift to his descendants, Robert, William II e Henry I.
The title will have four historical ages, medieval, feudal, castle and imperial. As many are the civilizations revealed up to now, English, Chinese, Mongolian and Delhi sultanate. The fourth installment of the series will introduce new unreleased game mechanics. The first will allow you to hide units to ambush enemies. The second sees the possibility for units of fight on the walls; besides, there will be sieges, complete with themed weapons. These are quite interesting news, which will add more variety and choices available as regards the strategies available to the player.
Information on future plans for the Age of Empires 2 e Age of Empires 3. The second chapter will receive its second expansion, called Dawn of Dukes, focused on Eastern Europe. There will also be one cooperative mode during this year. Age of Empires III will soon include United States as a new playable civilization. This will be unlockable by completing an internal challenge, or, alternatively, those who intend to have it immediately will be able to buy it. The first expansion for this chapter, which will add African civilizations to the package.
► Age of Empires is an RTS-Simulation-Strategy-Adventure game published by for PC and Mac, the video game was released on 15/10/1997