Thanks to these apps, knowing all the timetables of public transport in the major cities of the world, whether for work or vacation, will be easy.
They will provide you with all the timetables of trains, buses or subways in any city you are in so you know immediately how to get around.
These apps will also show you the real-time timetables of the means of transport you want to take, advances, delays or strikes.
Citymapper - Metro, Bus and Trains
You can count on Citymapper to provide you with real-time data for all public transport options in your area where you are. Calculate route combines all available modes of transport: on foot, by metro, bus, train, Uber, taxi, Car2Go carpooling or by bike.
Stay up to date on the trains, buses and metro you frequent more often to keep up to date on interruptions, delays and strikes. Bus timetables and train timetables in real time.
An app that if you are a habit in the use of public transport is to go to work or for vacation you can not miss.
Download : Citymapper per Android | iOS
No more lost buses. Open the app and see how long all the lines pass in your area.
Easy to use: vivid colors and large text. Plan your trip, set reminders, get info if there are problems on the lines. Are you in a hurry? Call Uber.
Present in over 175 cities including Milan, Rome, Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Berlin, London, New York and many others in Europe and North America.
Download : Transit per Android | iOS
Moovit drives over 350 million users, in over 2700 cities around the world. Travelers can find updated timetables and, when available, real waiting times based on the GPS position of the vehicles active on the line. You will find the stops closest to you, step-by-step directions like on a navigator, notifications about when it's time to get off the bus or train, and everything you need for a peaceful journey.
Find out exactly what time the bus will pass, thanks to the GPS positions transmitted by the vehicles on the road. Find out at what time the vehicle will arrive at your stop. Do not waste time and enjoy a coffee while you wait, you will always have under control train times and how many minutes are left until the next bus.
Download : Moovit for Android | iOS
Google Maps
If you are already familiar with Google Maps, you know how simple it is to use the app. Enter your destination and Google Maps will find the best travel route for you.
To view public transit options, choose the train icon at the top of the menu bar. Google Maps will not only show train options, but also show bus lines as well as metro and tram timetables. With easy-to-follow Google Maps driving directions and GPS tracking, you're unlikely to get lost.
Google Maps per Android | iOS