App for unknown numbers: discover private numbers and block call center calls. Download for free on Android and iPhone.
Tired of receiving calls from unknown numbers and would you like to know where they come from?
Continue calls from call centers are they bothering you and would you like to block them?
Thanks to these App for unknown numbers available for Android and iPhone smartphones, you can discover and block calls from unknown numbers or annoying call center numbers.
App for unknown numbers: the best for Android and iOS
Truecaller-Identifies and blocks
Millions of users rely on Truecaller for everything related to communication, be it identifying unknown calls or blocking unwanted SMS. Truecaller filters out the unwanted and puts you in touch with the people who matter.
With a community-based junk list of more than 250 million users, Truecaller is the only app you will need to communicate securely and efficiently.
A powerful phone dialer:
- The world's # 1 caller ID is capable of identifying any sender
- Block unwanted numbers and telephone sellers
- See the names of unknown numbers in the history
- Flash messages: Share location, emoji and status with your friends in a heartbeat
- Find out when your friends are free to talk
Smart SMS App:
- Automatically identifies all Unknown SMS
- Automatically block all Unwanted SMS and telephone sellers
- Block by name and number series
Truecaller is designed to support dual SIM!
Truecaller NEVER uploads your phone book to make it public or searchable.
Download now for Android, iOS
I finally turned around to that anonymous number.
Using Whooming is very simple: just download the App or register at www.whooming.com.
When you receive an unknown call, you will have to reject it to find out the number.
Whooming will stay free FOREVER. You will decide yourself whether to become a Premium user by purchasing one of its top-ups, or to use the service for free.
Defend yourself from stalkers, call-centers and phone pranks. Have you ever thought you could talk to the stalker without him noticing and record the conversation? With Whooming you can do it!
It is available for Android devices and for iPhones
Should I answer?
I have to answer? This question can come to mind of all people who receive an anonymous call. Each of us has had (or will have) the opportunity to receive unsolicited calls, telemarketing campaigns, advertisements or some type of fraud. How can we understand that the call is harmless and that answering will not cost us tens of precious minutes or a significant amount of money?
Should I Answer is a free security application for mobile phones running Android that protects you from unwanted unsolicited phone calls or outgoing calls are expensive, for example. calls to toll numbers with tariff or abroad.
Warning options:
• View the number rating right away when calling
• Does not interfere in stored contacts unless it displays ratings for these contacts!
• Works offline - uses offline database (no internet connection required)
• Quick access to detailed information on your phone number and user rating
• Fast available creation of first judgments
Optional locking possibilities
• Allows you to block calls from hidden numbers
• Allows you to block calls for a fee
• Allows you to block calls to international numbers
• Allows you to block calls to / from negative rating numbers
• Allows you to create your own block list and block numbers from this list
• Allows you to block all numbers that are not in your contacts!
• Never blocks less than uses any number of your contacts!
Download now for Android
Find out also How to make anonymous calls with your smartphone click here