App to sell photos from Android and iOS smartphones. Whether you are a professional photographer or a hobbyist, if you want to make some extra cash, there is a huge market for selling photos.
With just a little practice, you can not only improve your skills but also earn money through photo selling apps.
Here are some of the best app to sell photos.
App to sell photos
FOAP is a popular photography market that is enjoyed by both professional and amateur photographers all over the world. The market is huge and the collection is huge. Here you will also find some of the biggest brands in the world looking for images they can use.
The process is simple. Sign up using your email ID or Facebook credentials and start uploading photos right away. Each photo is sold for a fixed amount of $ 10 and you get half of it.
Once inside, you will see a Twitter-like interface. There are profiles of photographers you can follow. Are you looking for inspiration or do you want to know what kind of photos are going well? Check the Explore tab. This is where you will find the recently sold snaps.
Finally, there are commissions that pay $ 100 or more. These are ads from brands with specific needs. It's like a competition, and the winner takes it all. Some fees can bring you $ 300 and up.
FOAP is, hands down, one of the best photo selling apps to have.
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Dreamstime takes a different approach and makes the process a little more complicated. Instead of making one app for buyers and sellers alike, Dreamstime created two. One for brands / people looking to buy photos and one for photographers looking to sell photos.
For some reason, the app is renamed Companion after installation. The layout is perfect and they want you to start uploading photos fast. You can't follow other photographers because that feature is available in the other app.
There are three tabs. The first is for your uploaded images. The second will take you to your gallery to add more photos and the third will show the pending ones that have yet to be approved.
Depending on the license you choose for your photo, you can get up to $ 12 per image, which is pretty good. I suggest you check out Dreamstime's Stock Photos to understand how other members are making money, and what the general question is.
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Snapwire works in a similar way to FOAP. There is an active community of buyers and sellers. In addition to a direct market, there are challenges that allow participants to earn even more for their creativity.
As you continue to add photos and earn, your level will increase. As you level up, you can receive direct inquiries from brands interested in your portfolio.
Go to Settings to learn more about how layers work.
If an image is sold via Request or Challenge, you can keep 70% of the amount. Otherwise you earn 50% of what is sold on the market.
While creating your profile, you can choose your style which is basically the category for your photos. You can choose up to 10 styles such as art, buildings and so on.
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ShutterStock is a very popular brand that is synonymous with photography. It has a program for enthusiasts and professional photographers. You will need to sign up for an online account.
Unlike some of the apps we've seen before, there's no way to follow other photographers and engage in any kind of social activity. The app is simple to use with a clean user interface. Upload images, track your progress and the amount you earn.
The website offers multiple ways to explore the platform and track other stats, as well as options such as referral programs.
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