The Legacy of the First Lama, the first story arc of the two planned in the post launch support of Assassin's Creed Odyssey, is finally over. "Stirpe" - this is the name of the third and last episode - finally closes the circle of events related to Kassandra / Alexios, after an inspired first chapter and a rather bland second one that had the heavy burden of dragging the players towards a an end that promised to be full of surprises.
And so it actually was, why Breed is the best episode of the story arc: solid, exciting, full of pathos and incredibly satisfying. This third episode, while not offering anything new from the point of view of the missions, enhances the qualities of writing and fiction within the artists available to Ubisoft. The Ancients will still be at the center of all events, with Amorges (his revelation as leader of the Ancients in fact closed the second episode) intent on applying his Machiavellian plans and Kassandra / Alexios, unaware of the lurking danger, intent on living what it should be a "normal life" alongside loved ones. A succession of events and revelations that will lead you to experience and discover the ultimate goal that Ubisoft wanted to achieve, culminating in an unthinkable ending that closes a circle that opened long ago.
Gameplay side, the approximately 4 hours that will be required for the completion of the episode take place in a succession of classic missions between infiltrations, rescues and escorts of people, plus a pleasant naval parenthesis. In short, what we have learned to experience in Assassin's Creed Odyssey is present, with the difference that this time, more than ever, the emphasis is once again on the narrative as, in our opinion, should always be done in this famous saga. The last Ancients, before arriving in Amorges, will be discovered and "hunted" in the same way used since the hunt for the sect of Cosmos, even if in Breed everything will be speeded up as to discover the clues concerning the personalities of the Order of the Ancients there will be only three missions, thus making the progress of the events and the plot more fluid and enjoyable. To always be at an optimal level to face the missions (we are talking about a range from level 52 to 54 in order not to have too many difficulties) you will also have to complete some secondary assignments, thus increasing the longevity of an episode in line with the others in terms of duration. Finally, the final battle is very inspired which makes, if once again there was a need to reiterate it, this episode the worthy conclusion of a narrative arc much more important for the continuity of the franchise than what one might initially expect.
Bloodline is the best conclusion one could expect after the “Dark Legacy” parenthesis. Waiting for the second narrative arc linked to the First Civilization Ubisoft closes the circle with an exclamation point that should not be underestimated, as if to show that every single piece that is proposed to us is part of a much larger and more varied puzzle. Stirpe is Assassin's Creed in its purest essence, that same essence that has sometimes hidden itself over time and that instead, here, emerges more overbearing than ever.