Review for Batman: The Enemy Within. Game for Android, PC, iOS, Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 08/08/2017 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 02/10/2018
It closes with "Same Stitch”This second season of signed adventures Telltale of the Dark Knight of Gotham. And what an ending!
If the first season had the problem of not being able to mount a truly "felt" climax, conveyed by a villain not very relevant to the protagonist, the epilogue of The Enemy Within on the contrary involves us firsthand, making us feel the full weight of our decisions throughout the season, and embodies them in the birth of Batman's historical antagonist. Telltale itself had announced that the final chapter would be its most ambitious and branching work, underlining the concept with a double trailer, and it is with real pleasure to note that it was not exaggerating.
NB As this is the review of the fifth episode of Batman: The Enemy Within, there will be light SPOILERS regarding the previous chapters, of which you will find the reviews below:
- The Enigma
- The Pact
- Fractured Mask
- What Ails You
Same Stitch draws us into something we knew would happen sooner or later: the sour John Doe dies and, finally, the Joker is born. But what kind of Joker? Telltale once again puts a "What if?" across the Gotham canon, proposing a different solution to the one we all know. John Doe stops being an unstable individual with a feeble and submissive personality and, depending on our choices in previous episodes, can turn into a vigilante who tries to emulate Batman - in his own way and with a distorted moral code - or into the murderous maniac who we all know. In both cases Batman's iconic archenemy gains an unprecedented human dimension; at the end of the game one empathizes with his madness, the result of a fragile personality that does nothing but react to the constant rejections and manipulations. A game that manages to make us empathize with the Joker, making us regret that the two characters end up colliding, can only be a work to be praised.
One of Same Stitch's greatest values is that depending on the Joker that we will find ourselves in front of the events will change considerably, making it in effect a "two in one" chapter, thus enriching not only the last chapter, but the entire season, with a truly remarkable replay value. For both versions, an epic conclusion is offered that will make you forget the sometimes too slow rhythms of some past episode. Telltale effectively manages to slam our choices and manipulations in our faces, to make us feel guilty about them. But, above all, to make us understand that making the (apparently) right choice is not always enough to maintain control and avoid tragedies, demonstrating how sometimes one is forced to walk a gray path, where moral superiority can be a luxury. .
The between Bruce and John is therefore at the center of the episode, which shines with a good script and a powerful climax that slowly matured throughout the season. The only pity is that the episode's focus inevitably takes away the scene from characters who would have deserved more attention: Harley Quinn doesn't receive the insight we would have expected and Catwoman disappears too quickly, while after the important dialogue choices made at the beginning of the station we would have expected some maturation of his with Bruce. To raise the tone there is a final choice that has left us blown away, forcing us to pause the game to reflect: a choice that masterfully embodies the dilemma and conflict that Bruce Wayne faces every night. Beyond that finale, we have actually come across several dialogue options that have no effect in the episode itself, and would therefore suggest a continuation into a third season.
At the level of gameplay Same Stitch finally involves the player more, even if mainly in the combat sessions. The various mechanics introduced with the series unfortunately remain little or not at all explored, except for a brief investigation session which, moreover, will not even require you to combine the clues between them. It seems clear that, at least for now, Telltale has chosen to focus on classical dynamics.
Compared to the past, in this episode we will predominantly play the role of the Bat Man, with a corresponding high dose of action and confrontations in Quick Time Event. A good part of the opponents faced during the season will return for a final confrontation, but we will also see new ones. The fights are exciting and scenographic thanks to a truly remarkable care of the choreography, even if they will hardly put you in serious difficulty.
As for the technical sector, Telltale has squeezed its engine to the bone, and in our test on PS4 we did not encounter any problems whatsoever. What we appreciated instead is the direction of the shots and the choice of locations and atmospheres, as well as various winks at the classic DC Comics opera. We find references to Amanda Waller's Suicide Squad, but also to the original genesis of the Joker in the iconic Ace Chemicals plant. Once again Telltale manages to immerse us in an animated comic, whose style emphasizes the narrative nature of his work.
Also impressive and immersive is the soundtrack by Jared Emerson-Johnson, which effectively surrounds this action-packed chapter. The dubbing is also of a good general level, with a Troy Baker for Batman / Bruce Wayne in great shape. But to shine particularly is Anthony Ingruber, who gives us an excellent performance for John Doe, playing the Joker of surprising magnetism.
Same Stitch is one of the best episodes Telltale has ever created in his career. The double-ended storyline not only embodies a real effect of the different choices of the players, but takes full advantage of the courage that the developers have shown in running the franchise freely - something that with other more standardized series would not be possible to do. The epilogue of Batman: The Enemy Within is so incisive that it makes us forget the shortcomings of some previous episodes and raise the value of the entire package. A title that will not change the mind of anyone who does not digest the playful formula of Telltale, but definitely recommended for any fan of the Dark Knight.
► Batman: The Enemy Within is a Graphic Adventure type game developed and published by Telltale Games for Android, PC, iOS, Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 08/08/2017 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 02/10/2018