Review for Borderlands 3. Game for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and Google Stadia, the video game was released on 13/09/2019
Version for PlayStation 5 from 12/11/2020
Version for Xbox Series X from 10/11/2020
Version for Google Stadia from 17/12/2019
Borderlands 3: after a lot of talking about it, it finally landed on our screens, and it didn't do it in a discreet way ... Exactly no: the new masterpiece by Gearbox Software e 2K he introduced himself to the adoring crowds of fans of the series in a truly explosive manner!
Borderlands 3 truly represents the natural evolution of what has been, for better or for worse, one of the most iconic video game series of the last 15 years. All the particular atmosphere that has always characterized the saga - also for the always superb graphics in cell shading that gives that extra touch to the whole - remains intact in this huge and very full third chapter, a title in which we find all the merits with pleasure ( and also some flaws) that we learned about in our raids on Pandora.
In this Borderlands 3 we will find ourselves, as is obvious, once again on the hostile world of Pandora but, and here is one of the main novelties of the game compared to its predecessors, advancing in the main story we will be called to bring death and destruction even on someone of the other characteristic worlds present in the Borderlands galaxy, thus adding to the whole a good variety of environments, enemies and thorny situations.
As we have already mentioned, the unmistakable style of the saga, in terms of narration, is maintained in all respects, integrating to the already large group of recurring characters and various antagonists also two brand new villains: the Calypso twins, evil and deviant parody of the modern figure of influencers, youtubers and, in general, of the various charismatic figures who are depopulated on social networks today.
Despite the amusing references to current pop culture, our evil twins, however, fail to obscure the masterpiece of insane characterization that was done with the legendary Jack the Handsome in the second chapter of the series. They are charismatic and at times brilliant, but they still lack that something (maybe a pony named Stallone da Culo?) That made Jack one of the best villains ever in recent years.
Fortunately, the characterization of the new Crypt Hunters, or the roster of playable characters, is truly superb, perhaps the best ever since the original group of Hunters, Lilith, Mordecai & Co.
With the now super classic Siren removed (this time in a melee version), the new playable character classes are something really well done and fun. In fact, we find the new class "Beastmaster", personified by Fl4k, a brand new sentient AI with a strong attraction for hunting and the study of animal behavior, accompanied by three alien beasts linked to him by a herd bond, and which they easily transform into a lethal weapon for the unfortunate that we find in our path.
As another new entry in the search for the Eridian Crypts we also have the very interesting Moze, handyman gunner able to call back (for the use of his companions as well) the small but lethal "Iron Bear", a mecha armed to the teeth capable of make a real difference on the battlefield. Basically a kind of really massive (and pissed off) version of Dva's Overwatch.
To complete the picture we find the Operative Agent Zane, able to combine firepower, lethal precision and techniques of evasion and concealment to make any kind of ninja and assassin that can come to mind pale.
Each of the playable characters will have its own precise and extremely articulated skill tree through which it can grow during our adventure. The skills and upgrades will be very varied, even for the same type of character, thus allowing the player to shape their alter ego according to the build that best suits their style of play.
This extreme customization of the characteristics, combined with that of the appearance of your character, will be fundamental during the endgame. In fact, once the main campaign is over, it will be possible to access the more “social” and multiplayer part of the game, so far limited to a couple of both cooperative and competitive modes, such as the Trial to Survive that we could try at Gamescom of this year, but to which content will certainly be added in the post launch support phase.
Technically speaking, Borderlands 3 presents itself as a pumped up, ultra detailed and super finished version of its illustrious predecessors. The characteristic graphic aspect has not only been kept as it is, but has even been improved by adding details such as the ugly faces of the various enemies, this time not always covered by gas masks or the like, or the physical damage that can be inflicted on walls and roofing.
The controls have also remained practically unchanged, but adding the very useful possibilities to make a devastating slide while running, to perform a falling attack similar to what you could do in The Prequel / Sequel and, definitely the most interesting option, to climb on the ledges and ledges. These innovations change, without upsetting it, the approach that we can then have with the scenario that surrounds us.
Borderlands 3 is a game that could be defined practically perfect from almost all points of view: right difficulty, right longevity, excellent playability and, what should not be underestimated, a charisma of its own, with unique situations and characters. Unfortunately, there are also downsides to all of this. Not too incisive, but still showy at times.
We have tried Borderlands 3 on PlayStation 4 Slim, encountering only on rare occasions the annoying drops in frame rate that occurred in the versions PC e Xbox One. On the other hand, however, it must be said that the various menus and the map are managed with a really annoying slowness, especially in some more excited situations. Furthermore, fortunately not always, we also found loading times between one zone and another, or before a respawn, a bit too consistent. Finally, but very rarely, we also noticed some delays in the loading of some textures, especially in the very first hours of play. In short, not serious problems, but which are particularly noticeable on an otherwise perfect game.
Borderlands 3 is the right and fun evolution of what its predecessors have already been. The maximum expression, currently, of what must be a game halfway between the FPS and the RPG. Fun, foul-mouthed and crazy as usual and graphically sumptuous. Too bad only for some defect that ruins the perfection of the whole, however nothing not recoverable with a nice corrective patch!
► Borderlands 3 is a Shooter type game developed by Gearbox Software and published by 2K Games for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and Google Stadia, the video game was released on 13/09/2019
Version for PlayStation 5 from 12/11/2020
Version for Xbox Series X from 10/11/2020
Version for Google Stadia from 17/12/2019