Review for Call of Duty: Mobile. Game for Android and iOS, the video game was released on 01/10/2019
A few days after the launch of the PC and console version of the highly anticipated Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: Mobile arrives on iOS and Android smartphones, which in addition to the classic multiplayer mode also includes Battle Royale. Available now for about a week in the free to play formula, Call of Duty: Mobile is grinding impressive numbers, in fact at the time of writing they were play 365 million multiplayer games, a huge milestone for a mobile title.
But let's talk about the game: at the first access we will find ourselves in the classic tutorial that will quickly illustrate the commands, then pushing us to choose the key configuration we prefer, which is however completely customizable in the options menu. From the very first minutes of the game we were particularly impressed surprised by the excellent feedback of the controls, which are certainly not comparable to external peripherals, but which nevertheless do not create too much difficulty in moving and shooting with precision.
In Call of Duty: Mobile, as already mentioned, you can choose whether to play in classic multiplayer mode or in the Royal Battle. From the point of view of classic multiplayer you will have at your disposal two lobbies, one classic and the other classified, we will talk about the second later. The game modes available are: Front row, team DM, domination and CeD, all playable on Call of Duty historical maps including the much loved one Nuketown, but also Hijacked, Crash, Raid or even Killhouse, which veterans will surely remember with pleasure. The aspect that most struck us is precisely this, being able to play the beloved COD maps on mobile without major changes to spawn, kill spot and general graphics of the maps themselves.
As for the matches classified instead you will have only three modes available, namely: DM in teams, domain and CeD of which only the first is available at the first access. Ranked matches are indeed based on various degrees, each of which is divided into five sub-degrees. Specifically we have, Recruit, Veteran, Elite, Professional, Master and Legendary. Each rank will feature a score that you will need to achieve to advance to the next rank. The points for each match will be calculated based on kills, deaths, victories and defeats, by evaluating the performance in a different way based on our degree of belonging, in fact, at the ranks lower than Veteran V, the defeats will not cause loss of points, while from the Elite rank I onwards there will be a loss of points in case of defeat.
Also from the point of view of the equipment Call of Duty: Mobile recalls its counterpart for console / PC, in fact we will have available slots for classic and tactical grenades in addition to the two slots for main and secondary weapon, each of which can be customized with classic accessories such as increased magazine, long barrels, FMJ and so on. You can also customize your specialties, which will be unlocked level after level, with perks to be faster, recover HP faster or move more stealthily, all according to your style of play. Also interesting is the presence of operator skill, which according to your choice, including for example the classic Purifier and Scythe, will allow you to use the operator skill for a limited period of time, generally for only once per game, except for longer modes such as Ced and Domain.
Obviously there is no lack of customization, which goes from simple skin for weapons to those for grenades, knives, backpacks and graffiti, most obtainable through the Battle Pass, available in the classic forms: the Free one and obviously the Premium one, which will allow you to get many more rewards, however, against a payment of 800 CP (10.99 euros). Fortunately, these are only aesthetic rewards that do not affect the gameplay in the least, which is extremely balanced and which goes to reward skill and strategy, as well as a little luck and internet connection.
We conclude by also talking about the modality Battle Royale, decidedly more complex and which is also very similar to the counterpart for fixed devices. This is a 100-player mode on the Isolated map, the only one currently available, which we found very interesting, although in some places a little too bare. Depending on your class, you will obviously have a special ability, such as medic, recon, mechanic and so on, each of which during the game can then be enhanced to improve its effect. The matches can be played both in single and duo or in teams of four, in which you can also have the possibility to bring your teammates back to life after death, provided you collect his dog tag, all with a system similar to as seen in Apex Legends. the gameplay seemed solid to us, especially for the firing system, thanks to the possibility of choosing the third-person view while moving and keeping the first-person view when aiming with weapons. Also excellent variety of weapons, accessories and items that you can find on the map, each of which with different attributes and rarities, which will make your builds different every time, thus forcing you to adapt to what the game world has to offer you.
Call of Duty: Mobile is a 100% successful project that will be able to attract both fans of the brand and new players. Its strengths are obviously the gaming experience, which is comparable to the experience on fixed devices, the historical maps and the ability to play without spending a cent. We were impressed by every aspect of the game, which tries to please everyone, lovers of classic multiplayer, lovers of competitive or even Battle Royale. In the future, according to the statements of the developers, other modes should arrive that will enrich those already present, making the game even more attractive for mobile players.
► Call of Duty: Mobile is a Shooter type game developed and published by Activision for Android and iOS, the video game was released on 01/10/2019