Review for Car Mechanic Simulator 2018. Game for Mac and PC, the video game was released on 21/07/2017
“… Even though it's seven in the morning, the heat is already starting to be felt. Let's hope the 'Cuda guy doesn't delay because I only have one bridge and I can't keep him busy for long. The old small and narrow workshop looks like an oven, customers complain that I could put the air conditioner on but the bank account is more desperate than crying. Maybe if they started paying on delivery and avoided putting up the price at the slightest thing, I might as well afford fresh air. The vanilla aftertaste of Perfection that is burning in the Peterson full bent that I have between my lips should help me to make the day less bitter, but I already know that there will be only the satisfaction of having repaired a few cars. Oh there it is ... Finally ... He was talking about a dirty carburetor, but that blue smoke coming out of the exhaust does not bode well. Dear tobacco, you tried, come on ... "
Two sizes, one cut
Car mechanic simulator is a first person simulator that allows the player to take on the role of a car mechanic. Although it is the first chapter available on consoles, the series created by the guys of Red dot games put the wrenches in the hands of players in 2014. Who writes this review, in addition to having the same tastes as his alter ego when it comes to tobacco, has played all the titles in the series. The reason for this clarification lies in the need to "give oneself some time" to understand the mechanics of a game that is already in itself very sectorial and niche.
If you are expecting superlative graphics with details of the cars in 4K complete with track tests of the newly assembled racing cars, know that you have misplaced your hopes. Car mechanic simulator it's not a triple A game and never meant to be, it is the game that no one elbowed to review, the one that gets a lot of dust on the store shelves. The available language is English only, but that shouldn't be a problem.
I hear a little noise ...
If you are used to using Bromber's laws for the repair of motor vehicles, do not worry: the initial tutorial leads you to understand how to use the workshop equipment in the most suitable way possible. It doesn't take a mechanical engineering degree to play Car Mechanic Simulator, after an initial disorientation everything becomes easy and the fun increases in direct proportion to relaxation.
The car models are varied, from small cars to muscle, passing through pickups and luxury sedans. In addition to the location of the workshop, there is the asphalt test track, the dirt test track, the car showroom where you can buy new cars and, for example, the carriage wrecker where you can buy scrap and try to get them back to the glories of once. Don't worry though, before you get to that level you'll have to spend some time changing the oil and brake pads on a good number of cars.
Be Smart!
In this type of game, you have to use your head. It is necessary to evaluate well the type of work to be carried out on each car, learning to understand what is wrong and limiting oneself to functional and necessary repairs. The game has two modes, composed of the standard jobs and the jobs that the gameplay offers you, in the form of a customer who arrives at the workshop explaining in his own way what afflicts the car. While the tutorials help a lot, there is no system to stop you from overdoing the bills or buying random parts via the shop's computer which has direct line to parts suppliers. You work to earn and if you get carried away, the game reminds you when you go to resell your vehicles, not recovering the money you have spent on them.
Being a manager is not easy, you have to invest to make money and if you don't invest you work badly, you make little money and few experience points and without these elements, going forward will be complicated. The behavior we tend to have is to make money to focus on buying, modifying and reselling cars, but in order to do this it is necessary to manage the workshop and the developments of both spaces and equipment very carefully. The remunerative work is that of customer car repairs, it is they who will allow you to increase the number of work benches, space for cars being repaired, speed in repairing and so on.
A few too many dents
The real sore point of Car Mechanic Simulator is undoubtedly the graphics: as we said at the beginning of the review, it is not a Triple A game and it does not want to be, but the "point and click" atmosphere has been in the air for too long now. If we think of any management software of the past, such as Sim City or Zoo Tycoon, we remember a "living" city, with cars passing by, inhabitants entering and leaving buildings, walking on the street, animals had their own animations and random events were the masters to give color to the Gameplay: all this in Car mechanic simulator it just isn't there.
The workshop is static, there is no day-night alternation, there is no dynamic weather, there is no movement outside the locations. The same goes for the saloon car: enter, there are the models on display, some paintings, a desk ... A staircase to go upstairs where there is none .. Nothing. Should there be another chapter of the game, it would be nice to make the setting more lively and dynamic.
A life as a mechanic
The longevity of Car Mechanic Simulator is an issue that can generate mixed feelings: it takes several hours to master the modes, changing the difficulty level decreases the on-screen aids in the form of sub-titles and indications, even if at the beginning and if you don't come from the previous chapters, the easier mode is highly recommended. Some car models are recognizable because they are very similar to real models, there are about fifty with thousands of spare parts and different combinations, but it is also true that in the end the jobs that can be done on the cars are always the same and for a long time. going the system can tire you. A little different speech for the PC version which has already been available for some time: there are mods, implementations, expansions, additional elements that can increase the level of fun, but it is clear that games of this type once developed at the end game , have said everything they had to say.
“… Another grueling day's work has come to an end… The sunset lights at the garage window tell me it's time to clean up and go home. I hope that the grumpy old Nello has finished restoring the tip I brought him last week, tomorrow we will have to get nervous about dismantling that pick up. They all think they have made the deal, when they buy certain scrap ... "
Car Mechanic Simulator is a port on the console all in all apt, which can also be played with the pad, not only with the mouse and keyboard. In case you have the possibility, however, the PC version is recommended for the availability of mods and additional elements. The game is fun and relaxing, as long as you are passionate about the genre, however it begins to feel the weight of the years.
► Car Mechanic Simulator 2018 is a racing-Simulation game for Mac and PC, the video game was released on 21/07/2017