The game had a large number of active users on Steam.
Arrived a week ago on PC, Days Gone has been very well received by players (you can also retrieve our review), with results that have led it to be at the top of the rankings related to sales on Steam, even surpassing the recent Mass Effect: Legendary Edition.
The ex-exclusive PlayStation 4 turns out to be a porting successful, a fate partially contrary to what was shown by Horizon: Zero Dawn, which at launch presented numerous problems (later corrected by Guerilla with subsequent patches). It is precisely in comparison to Horizon, however, that Days Gone gives way, especially when we consider the number of active players on Steam, which during the launch week it reached 27.450 users for Days Gone, while Horizon in the same period of time touched 56.557. Despite everything, these values cannot be considered as incontrovertible indices of greater success of Aloy's adventure, with the games that are also available on the Epic Games Store which, currently, does not provide information regarding the number of players (although it is possible to expect values similar to the Steam version).
► Days Gone is an Adventure-Survival game developed by Bend Studio and published by Sony for PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 26/04/2019
Days Gone is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 78%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Days Gone Review