Review for Defiance 2050. Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 10/07/2018
When in our huge list of games to review (and trust that the adjective "immense" is not so much to say) you notice a title like Defiance 2050, you can do nothing but do a good search on Google and understand what kind of game it is. On paper it also seems to be nice, although Free-to-Play always leaves that slight feeling of fear that we all know well. MMO, third person shooter, ability to customize your character, choice of classes and much more; in short, it also seems to promise really well. Too bad it was all too easy to be fooled by appearances, while it was much more difficult not to give up the game after the first two hours.
So make yourself comfortable and, dispassionate advice, read everything before deciding to download it.
Let's start from the beginning: what is Defiance 2050? Basically it is a reboot of that Defiance released in the now distant 2013 on the old generation consoles, flanked among other things by a TV series of the same name that also enjoyed some success. The same thing cannot be said of the video game, which after a decidedly start with a bang then ended up waning and quickly losing interest in it. So, starting from a situation that is certainly not the best, what does Trion Worlds decide to do? Take the game, "rewrite it from scratch" to reboot it for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, promising a product suitable for the high standards imposed by the market.
So now that Defiance 2050 is out and we've had the pleasure of stripping it away for a while, what do we find in our hands? A poor quality product, practically identical to the original, with small additions and gameplay issues to make you cringe.
Pad in hand we find ourselves in a classic TPS, like Gears to be clear, but without the possibility of using some system of covers. We will be able to equip two weapons at a time, without a real distinction between primary / secondary or heavy / light; not bad, indeed it is convenient. It is a bit more to turn up one's nose instead of there being no difference between the paraphernalia of the various classes; a bit like it actually happens for Destiny, in fact, the five classes present (Assault, Assassin, Guardian, Combat Medic and Demolitionist) differ in the unique abilities they have. In our case we decided to start with the Assassin, which as a first skill allows you to become invisible for a certain amount of time and increase critical damage.
These can then be improved by leveling up, giving it greater effectiveness. Too bad, however, that all this is destroyed by a very poor and poorly programmed AI, which combined with various technical problems makes the enemies of Defiance 2050 ignobly easy to defeat. To name one, if we find ourselves in the middle of a shooting and suddenly become invisible, the enemies will automatically switch to safe mode instantly, as if we had never been there. One thing that personally bothered us a lot. Under the technical side, the main and most recursive flaw we have witnessed is related to the jerkiness of the NPCs. Aiming at an enemy with precision and seeing him literally disappear from before our eyes, has created many problems and nervousness.
Staying on this factor, the restyling and modernization of the game was simply a half (but also a total) fiasco. Defiance 2050 looks like a game of the last generation, starting with the polygonal models and ending with the animations. Everything is too little taken care of with practically no attention to detail. Our character moves in a completely unnatural way, not to mention enemies and NPCs, who seem to use a random movement pattern. There is also a rapid movement system that allows us to literally summon a vehicle to use to move faster (and here another similarity to the aforementioned work by Bungie), and here too we find the same problems we have with the character on the ground. .
The vehicles are undriveable and managed without real logic and physics, and above all with a very bad and poorly implemented collision system. You could rightly object by saying that we are rightly talking about a third person MMO and focusing on driving might not make much sense. And you would also be right, but when on top of a jeep you want to run over a simple enemy and in response the vehicle explodes and you risk dying, then you understand that there is something wrong at the base. In short, if to play it could be a tad pleasant, the technical / aesthetic aspect undermines the experience and immersion of the title in its entirety.
No satisfaction, or almost, not even under the aspect of the missions. This Defiance 2050 also suffers from the problem of repetition of the quests, all very similar to each other: start from point A, get to point B, kill about twenty enemies, recover the object / activate something and that's it. And this applies to both the main and secondary missions, the pattern that follows is almost identical, except for a few bosses from time to time.
The story changes instead if we talk about dynamic missions, that is those quests that pop up on the map randomly and which basically consist in killing hordes of aliens or taking out a giant boss together with other online players, a bit like we see in MMORPGs. , World of Worcraft or Final Fantasy XIV to name two. The big problem also consists that the ground plot that should act as a glue at least as regards the main quests, is sparse and uninteresting, which smacks of seen and revised and revised and revised again.
In the face of all this written above, we strongly advise you not to approach Defiance 2050, if not for mere curiosity then aimed at the almost immediate uninstallation from your console, resulting in a sense of guilt for having wasted hours downloading it to then find yourself in front of a product that fails to reach sufficiency, sinning practically in everything. We therefore ask ourselves what sense would it be to play it if then f2p titles like Warframe manage to be deep and satisfying substantially from all points of view.
► Defiance 2050 is an Adventure-TPS game developed and published by Trion Worlds for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 10/07/2018