Review for Destiny 2. Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 06/09/2017 The version for PC came out on 24/10/2017
We took a few more days, but in the end we are ready to tell you about our experience in what is the first expansion of Destiny 2, or The curse of Osiris.
Mercury between past, present and future
One of the most fascinating planets, due to the aura of mystery that has enveloped it since the first Destiny, is certainly Mercury. The planet colonized by the Vex is the scene of the events of this expansion; a previously sealed portal opened e the witch Ikora Rey will send us on a mission to find out what happened and why the Vex are in turmoil. In this context we will get to know Osiris (one of the darkest characters in the series) and his ghost Sagira, the first true ghost with which you can interact.
If the premises for a compelling story seem to be all there, in practice the new story will keep you busy for three to four hours maximum and, apart from a few striking scenes, it won't be exactly memorable. The characters, given the weight they have in the lore, would have deserved a greater study. To this are added several not exactly positive factors: Mercury will not be explored (like its predecessors), but only a tiny area surrounding the Lighthouse and which will serve exclusively as the theater of the new public event. The Infinite Forest, a place that changes every time you enter it, should increase the longevity of the end-game, but is only adequately exploited in the campaign; once the main story is over, it will be the scene of only three Adventures (playable in normal or heroic mode).
An end-game that struggles to take off
After analyzing the plot and setting, let's focus on the aspects of greatest interest to all the Guardians: the end-game content. The Curse of Osiris basically introduces two new contents: the raid lair or a new mini raid called: Leviathan devours worlds, and the Lost Prophecies of Brother Vance. In the explorable area of Mercury, inside the Lighthouse an old / new NPC will arrive: Brother Vance, who will perform the functions of vendor and reference for the Prophecies. These twelve items can be picked up one at a time and will need to be decoded with certain materials to get the reward. Each reward corresponds to a different type of weapon, with a very inspired stylistic characterization. The materials required (up to a maximum of three pieces per type) must be used in their loaded form: to do this you will need to obtain the basic objects, accumulate ten and then transform them from Brother Vance into a loaded piece. Once you have the loaded materials needed to decode the Prophecy, you can take it to the Forge and get the corresponding weapon. Collecting all twelve weapons will keep you busy for many hours as the activities from which to obtain the basic materials are many and the drop of the latter is not always guaranteed.
As for the new raid of The Curse of Osiris, however, we are faced with a truly unusual and controversial activity. For the first time in Destiny history comes a mini raid consisting of only three steps set in the same ecosystem as the main raid. The mechanics introduced and the artistic and stylistic characterization of both the places and the boss are one of the best things about this expansion; on the other hand, these factors clash with the brevity of the activity: with a close-knit team it is completed in two hours without knowing the mechanics. The lack of longevity of the mini raid is also accompanied by the paucity of the rewards, consisting of a restyling of the armor of the main raid and some new weapons. Both of these activities, therefore, struggle to revive an end-game that remains too tied to the activities of the base game, adding a tedious farming of materials, however without ensuring that they will be obtained at the end of the activities.
Destiny 2 fashion weeks
The upside of The Curse of Osiris lies in the new weapons and new legendary and exotic armor, including the corresponding decorations. Collecting the new exotic armament is objectively one of the funniest parts since Destiny, not so much for the effectiveness of some of them as for being able to strut with friends and enemies by equipping the most beautiful and sought after pieces. In addition to the new exotic armament and the introduction of exotic armor ornaments, the legendary armor ornaments are making a return; they will be present for the most important sets: Vanguard, Crucible, Factions, Iron Banner, Trials of the Nine and also the new set of the mini raid.
Each piece of armor will have a specific ornament that will require the completion of a specific challenge to be unlocked. Once obtained for the first time, the ornament will be active on each of your characters, and can be activated and deactivated at will. Also in this case, as with exotic armaments, the game is worth the candle and spending time completing the challenges of certain armaments will allow you to obtain beautiful versions of some armor (New Monarchy, ed).
The Curse of Osiris arrives on the market as the first expansion of Destiny 2, with the burden of having to revive an end-game source of criticism from the majority of the community. Bungie's willingness to bring new content is unquestionable, but it seems highly unlikely that they can drag the Guardians into the next spring expansion. Given the current state of the game, and the possibilities it has, the introduction of events like the upcoming Aurora will have to be the source of freshness that players need. Not everything is to be thrown away, many ideas - such as the Prophecies or the mini raid - are good starting points, if and only if they are modified and improved.
► Destiny 2 is an Action-FPS game developed by Bungie Vicarious Visions and published by Activision for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 06/09/2017 The version for PC came out on 24/10/2017
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