Review for Detective Pikachu. Nintendo 3DS game, the video game was released on 23/03/2018
I Pokemon they are undoubtedly one of the most important phenomena in the world of video games, with a well-marked and consolidated territory. In the videogame panorama it is absolutely unthinkable a moment in which the pocket monster games will stop coming out: their success was amazing at their dawn in 1996 and still is when they reach their seventh generation with Pokemon Sun and Moon. Their enormous popularity has spurred Nintendo, Gamefreak and The Pokemon Company to release, over the years, several extremely different spin-offs: the Pocket Monsters have tried their hand at pinball machines, in adventures on islands full of minigames. , in puzzle games and even in fighting games with the recent Pokken Tournament.
No wonder, then, if the latest title released is an Ace Attorney-like investigative adventure in which we will play the role of a Pikachu very different from the one we have always been used to.
A very special Pikachu
When you think of Pikachu, the first thing that comes to mind is certainly the sweet little electric mouse we've always seen in the anime and in commercials, with that shrill, shrill "Pikaa ~", its peppery character, and his of deep friendship with Satoshi / Ash. Putting hand to Detective Pikachu, however, we will face a very different protagonist from the aforementioned characterization. Detective Pikachu he presents himself as the embodiment of incoherence, with that little face and those features that ooze sweetness from every pore, but a cynical character, like an experienced and hasty man, and with the voice of a middle-aged man. The only contrast that derives from it is hilarious, to the point of immediately winning the heart and curiosity of every player who will look forward to watching the little mouse react in absurd ways to every situation and dialogue.
The game's story is based on a rather simple opening: the protagonist is a young boy named Tim Goodman, who comes to Rhyme City to find his father, who disappeared two months earlier in a mysterious way. There he meets Detective Pikachu, discovering that he is the only one who can understand his words for unknown reasons. The two seize the opportunity that presents itself in front of them: Pikachu is able to talk to the other Pokemon while Tim can talk to humans as a means of the mouse, in this way the couple can investigate the most varied cases exploiting clues given to them by both humans and pocket monsters. In this way, an absurd but highly efficient duo of investigators is formed, ready to find Tim's father and at the same time solve the most disparate cases.
Ace Attorney Pikachu
The gameplay of Detective Pikachu it is extremely simple and straightforward: in the course of the cases, with a generic point and click system of each graphic adventure title, we will have to talk to all the characters encountered in the various screens and look for hidden clues on the backgrounds. Each chapter of the story includes this very easy and repetitive work of research, which will result in the automatic continuation of the story through dialogues between the protagonists and cutscenes (which, to break the rhythm, will challenge the player with some quick-time events) . Once Tim and Pikachu have obtained all the necessary clues, the player will be required to carry out a work of deduction that will culminate in the resolution of the investigation.
It is useless to use turns of words: Detective Pikachu it's geared for a very young audience, and as such the game has practically no difficulty. It is not uncommon to end up experiencing a feeling of frustration several times due to investigations that we users already fully understood during the first few bars of the chapters, but during which we will be forced for directorial and plot issues to carry out unnecessary steps before being able to resolve the case within the game. Despite this, the story is fun and exciting, the characters work perfectly, and this spin-off gives the Pokemon saga that breath of fresh air (mixed with that What If always so loved) it has long needed, to the point that we hope from the bottom of our hearts that this is not the only appearance of Detective Pikachu: This grumpy electric mouse deserves a future of its own, possibly with a more mature and challenging title or even an anime dedicated to it.
There are a total of 9 chapters to be completed, each of which can be completed in a time varying between 30 minutes and two hours. In all the game will take us around 10 hours, which is not that short for a non-RPG title.
Detective Pikachu is a Pokemon spin-off that throws up all the environments known so far and puts us at the helm of an unlikely Pikachu rough, grumpy and with very unorthodox ways. The new character is nothing short of fantastic and hilarious, and does not struggle to take on the entire burden of the game all by himself, immediately becoming one of the most successful characters in the entire lore since its inception and leaving us hoping for future games and cartoons. The title itself is relatively short, extremely simple and at times repetitive, nevertheless it will thrill the little ones, entertain the greatest, and offers one of the best graphics ever seen from the series so far, with excellent polygonal models, animations, and a Carthusian dubbing, embellished with fairly faithful Spanish subtitles. Detective Pikachu wins more as a character than as a game, and we can't wait to see him back in action.
► Detective Pikachu is an Adventure type game developed by Creatures Inc. and published by Nintendo The Pokémon Company International for Nintendo 3DS, the video game was released on 23/03/2018