Review for Fire Pro Wrestling World. Game for PC and PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 18/12/2017 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 28/08/2018
Fire Pro Wrestling takes the form of a controversial series that is loved or hated.
Fire Pro Wrestling World is a slap in the face to those who consider the glorious saga of Spike Chunsoft untouchable, the best without any possibility of appeal (WWE 2K19 anyone ?, Ed). Fire Pro Wrestling World, however, is also proven proof that there can be some decent video game even without spending millions of dollars. to acquire high-sounding licenses or equip your technological trinket with a graphic engine with controfiocchi - and let's face it immediately, the visual aspect of the last episode of this ten-year franchise turns out, to put it mildly, to be really unconvincing in this sector.
Although stuffed with countless game modes, the main figure that brings the Japanese title as a dowry lies in the simple but articulated combat system, substantially based on timing in the execution of various holds and moves. Three attack buttons, one more to run, that's enough. It is sufficient to approach the opponent with the directional to enter the clinch and grasp the right timing of execution to be able to perform moves and projections. An effective, basic control system, which nevertheless opens the door to numerous playful possibilities.
The depth in the combat system finds support in a full-bodied tutorial, organized in tasks, capable of fully illustrating the powerful vision behind Fire Pro Wrestling World, that of a truly easy to control, difficult to master game. Instead of indulging in the temptation to cover the most powerful moves with a more or less dense curtain of complex keystrokes to memorize, everything is available from the first moment of play: just use it properly. A vision that anchors the videogame to its historical origins, that of systems in which, if it went well, the only existing control system consisted of a directional cross and two front buttons.
A very complete wrestler customization tool allows even the most bored of players to reproduce, by thread and by sign, the appearance of any human being present on the globe, uploading it around the web to show it to others. If the homo ludens is too lazy to forge his own hero, we would like to point out the introduction of a convenient function that also allows the download of the fighters already created.
The only real hair-pulling mode that theoretically should have elevated the production to something absolutely mythological is Fighting Road, a story mode that unfortunately is halfway between a full-bodied tutorial and a dull visual novel, not fully convincing.
The multiplayer, cross and delight of the creations of this type, obviously finds space among the peculiar characteristics of Fire Pro Wrestling World: whether you want to beat up with your friends in the club, or if you prefer to kick someone sitting on your sofa, on the other side of the world, it's always great fun.
The last episode of Fire Pro Wrestling partially convinces: the excellent gameplay and a convincing multiplayer mode manage to elevate a title that, however, both technically and in terms of innovations introduced, does not manage to excite much.
► Fire Pro Wrestling World is a Beat 'em up-Simulation-Sports game developed and published by Spike Chunsoft for PC and PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 18/12/2017 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 28/08/2018