MiHoYo has announced that Genshin Impact will be available on PlayStation 5 from the launch day of the console, which is November 12. The software house said that the game will enjoy faster loading times and improved graphics. All this will be possible thanks to backward compatibility with PlayStation 4.
The current-gen version of Genshin Impact offers longer loading times than the PC. It is easy to hope for further optimization in the near future to make them shorter. MiHoYo made this reveal simultaneously with new details on A New Star Approaches, the upcoming update with version 1.1 of the game. Version 1.1 of the game will launch on November 11th. In addition to numerous changes and new characters, the maximum amount of Original Resin will also be updated, now increased to 160.
【Ver.1.1 最新 情報】
必要 に 応 じ て 会話 ミ ュ ー ト を ご 利用 く だ さ い。 # 原 神 # 原 神 ア プ デ 情報 pic.twitter.com/ni7txuulaJ
- 原 神 (Genshin) 公式 (@ Genshin_7) October 30, 2020
MiHoYo's new title is now officially one of the PlayStation 5 launch games. However, MiHoYo herself has stated in previous interviews that there are no plans to bring their flagship title to Xbox One or the new Xbox Series S and Xbox Series. X.
► Genshin Impact is an RPG-type game developed and published by MiHoYo for PC, Android, iOS, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 28/09/2020 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 31/12/2020
Genshin Impact is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 80%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Genshin Impact Review