The developers of the 343 Industries they wanted to clarify some details about the characteristics of Halo Infinite, new chapter of the famous first person shooter series by signature Bungie studios and intended for family consul Xbox e Microsoft Windows PC.
The team behind the game took advantage of the social platform Twitter to answer the questions of fans of the series, eager to understand all the features of the next chapter. One of the most interesting curiosities concerned the new system of coatings for cosmetic personalization, a detail that was already the protagonist of many questions asked by users.
The system Halo Infinite, according to what was stated by the developers themselves, it will certainly be subject to microtransactions and, therefore, subject to monetization, but not only: the coatings can in fact be obtained both through payment and during the game campaign.
Members of 343 Industries they also specified ways in which players will be able to unlock similar content, including purchasing Mega Construx toys for Monster Energy, Mondelez drinks, candy and more. The manager of the team behind the game, John Junyszek, also took advantage of the social platform to state how coatings and items for pure cosmetic customization can also be obtained as special rewards.
As for the other rumors about the game, unfortunately, the developer team did not want to release confirmations. The latest rumors, deriving from the words of the boss Phil Spencer, would concern in particular the possibility that the campaign and the multiplayer component can be published separately.
The new chapter of the series Halo, at the moment, it does not yet have a date or a fixed period for its release, although its arrival on the market is expected during the 2021. In addition to the PC, the title will be available on several consoles of the family Xbox, among which Xbox Series X, Series S e Xbox One.
► Halo Infinite is a Shooter type game developed by 343 Industries and published by Microsoft Studios for PC, Xbox One and Xbox Series X, the video game will be released on 30/09/2021 (in 224 days)