How to avoid a shadowban? In this article we are going to see how not to get a shadowban from Instagram. There are several theories on the web. But in my opinion, Instagram tries to keep the messages authentic and reduce the number of spam accounts and also that users use relevant hashtags in relation to their posts and the contents of their account. Let's see how not to get banned from Instagram.
How not to get banned from Instagram - Shadowban
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# 1 Using banned hashtags: some hashtags are prohibited on Instagram you can see the prohibited list here. But sometimes perfectly innocent hashtags are flooded with large amounts of spam and nudity, so Instagram decides to ban the entire hashtag rather than delete the photos.
# 2 Always use the same hashtags: change hashtags on a regular basis so they don't look automated because for Instagram; if you use the same hashtags over and over again, they may think they have a spam account that publishes automatic hashtags.
# 3 Do a lot of actions: many do not know it but there are limits of actions that you can do every day on Instagram. In order not to be banned, do not abuse the daily limits set by Instagram. This includes the amount of photos, comments, the number of people you follow, and more. Depending on the age of your account, your limits may be different, but in most cases, they shouldn't exceed the likes of 150 photos, 60 comments, and 60 followers in an hour.
# 4 Your account is permanently flagged: if your account is flagged for spam, infringes copyrights, or displays inappropriate content. Your account can get a Shadowban or, even worse, be totally disabled!
# 5 Have you used automatic services or bought followers: Instagram's terms of service are very clear on this, it is forbidden to use anything that automates posts and comments and buying followers. If you carry out one of these practices, your account can be suspended or totally disabled.
How to delete a shadowban?
- Stop using third-party bots or automation software or buying followers: for my part, i am not using this strategy, i prefer to have fewer subscribers but who are tied to my account, instead of having phantom subscribers.
- Eliminate banned hashtags: if you find banned hashtags in your posts, remove them immediately and take note not to use them in the future.
- Keep a low profile for the next 72 hours: it seems that taking a 48 to 72 hour break on your account will help remove the shadowban and take fewer actions in the next few days.
You can use this site to see if you have been shadowban. Did you already know these rules? Have you been banned a few times already?
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Further Reading:
- How to hide hashtags on Instagram
- How to schedule automatic replies on Instagram
- How to find out who has not accepted your request to follow him on Instagram
- How to get Instagram dark mode
- How to temporarily disable your Instagram account