Instagram is one of the hottest social networks of the moment. Its operation is based on the sharing of multimedia files, be they photos or videos. Basically the platform is very easy to use. Indeed, if you follow the advice that we will see below, its performance can greatly improve and even reach professional levels.
Personalize the profile
Leaving aside the explanation inherent to the registration of an Instagram account (which among other things is child's play), what we want to underline here, is that for an optimized use, and why not, even professional use of the social network, it is first of all necessary to insert as much info as possible on your profile.
This information helps the user to create the right visibility, also because Instagram is a social that works on followers, sayings followers.
If we have a website, a blog, a facebook page, we recommend that you insert the link in your personal information. This generates direct traffic to the referral link. Which can only benefit the access statistics of our portal.
Profile type: private or public?
After having filled in all the fields of our interest, it is also advisable to indicate whether the profile should be public or private.
In the first case, we will allow any user to have access to our photos, even if the user is not our follower. Vice versa in the second case to see our photos a user must send us a request to follow us ... it is then up to us to accept or not.
The use of Instagram depends exclusively on the time we dedicate to it and on the intent of wanting to achieve fame or not.
It is therefore necessary to consider that before a private profile, are posed quite a few limitations on account visibility itself, so much so that not even any hashtags will be able to be viewed by users.
This is why if we intend to optimize our profile, and give it the right visibility, it is good to opt for a public profile.
Upload pictures to Instagram
As we explained at the beginning, Instagram is a social network that is based on multimedia files. This means that to draw attention to our profile, you need to upload images or videos to the gallery.
If you install the application, for example, it is not at all difficult to upload photos, as it is possible to take photos with the application itself and then upload them to your profile, or to draw from our gallery. The same goes for uploading videos.
Use Instagram to edit photos
La natural photo without filters is banned from Instagram if the goal is to charm potential followers.
This means that in order to upload photos with a strong visual impact, they must be modified. We can apply filters either from a common photo editor app or directly apply the filters provided by Instagram.
There are about twenty of them and they allow to give an automatic improvement of contrast, saturation, brightness to our photos.
In this way we will get photos that are very different from the original, but that the public likes, who will inevitably tend to follow us and take inspiration from our contents. An alternative to the acquisition of fans or likes could be the use of portals that offer the possibility of buy followers.
Sharing photos
After determining what the ideal effects to publish our image, we just have to share the contents with the whole Instagram community.
It is therefore the last step, but necessary in order to enrich the gallery of our account. However, it is recommended that you accompany your shared photos with one short description and with hashtag, so as to succeed in the intent of becoming one of the most clicked profiles on the social network.
The tags
A little while ago we talked about hashtag. However, these are not the only tool you need to apply to be successful stimulate engagement.
In this sense, it is therefore advisable to use tags to bring up other friends. It is therefore possible to tag both an individual and any profile, simply enter the name of the user you intend to identify.
In this way, not only will our account be associated with that particular photo on Instagram but also that of the person we have selected.
Depending on the settings that the other user has entered, the photo will directly enrich his gallery or request confirmation. The network of people to whom our multimedia path becomes visible thus increases more and more, thus consequently increasing the interest of users in wanting to follow us.
Finally it could be a very curious idea for optimize the use of Instagram, to take a picture and indicate the place where we immortalized that moment.
To do this, you must activate the location option after having tagged your friends. In this way, if users are interested in a certain place, it will be visible under the photo and therefore will increase the audience to which it is addressed.
However, nothing prevents you from later removing the place indicated initially.
Also thanks to this location tool, if our friends have the option active, by clicking on the pointer icon it is possible for us to see the photos and the reference position.
Further Reading:
- What happens when I stop following someone on Instagram
- How to save Instagram videos - Android and iOS
- How to disable comments on Instagram
- How to put multiple photos in an Instagram story
- How to hide hashtags on Instagram