Review for Hyper scape. Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 11/08/2020
In the vast panorama of battle royale, Hyper Scape also makes its flashy entry, which manages with its dynamic battles and its being free-to-play to impress players who are passionate about this genre.
Specifically, the game is characterized by particular mechanics that make it slightly different from other currently more famous and played titles, such as Fortnite and PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and which we will now go through together.
The story is explained to the player with a clear and concise narrative. The title is set in 2054, in a world where technological progress has reached a high level: a company called Prisma has created a virtual reality game called Hyper Scape, in order to allow its users to escape from their mundane everyday life. However, as the narrator of the video states, things are not as simple as they seem. If you think about it this plot is quite similar to that of the Ready Player One movie.
It is necessary as well as obvious to specify that Hyper Scape is not really story-driven, since it is still a mainly competitive title. It follows that the plot has the sole purpose of laying a simple background on which to base the game concept.
So let's talk about the dynamic and fast gameplay, the main point of Hyper Scape. While the game takes a while to start, match making is quite fast. At the moment there are only three types of games that you can choose: single, three-player teams, finally a mode that changes every week.
It starts as common for the genus by launching at high altitude with a spacecraft whose shape resembles that of a Kinder egg. Once on the ground, the main objective is to collect weapons and skills scattered inside the buildings, and if you collect the same equipment already owned then you will make a fusion. This mechanism allows you to get improvements such as an extended magazine for weapons or an extended duration of a certain skill. When only the last sector of the map is active, you will not be forced to eliminate all the other players, because it is possible to collect a crown which if kept for a while will grant you the victory.
The fact that Hyper Scape presents a very dynamic gameplay is also given by a strong arcade component. In fact, there are elements such as being able to move between the roofs of one building to another with the double jump and automatic climbing in Dying Light style, using the slide to go faster like in Warframe, and the possibility of seeing the opponent's life bar. In particular, when playing in teams it is possible to be revived by your teammates in the recovery points.
In a much more minimal way than in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege, each operator has personal information and its own history. In reality, more than real operators each with their own skills, they are literally skins that the player can choose and then show on the battlefield.
The game is in beta, which is why there are currently several issues. Some are logical in nature, such as the presence of an awkward and poorly managed self-filling and team balancing mechanism. Others have to do specifically with programming, such as seemingly inexplicable crashes.
It must then be specified that the shooting feeling is very low due to the little recoil of the weapons, designed in this way to be able to sustain fights at long distances and therefore make the management of the aim easier for the players.
The graphic sector was created with the Anvil Engine, which is used perfectly to achieve good resource optimization. Being set within a sci-fi context, it is natural that technological and luminous decorative elements are present, together with the quite sophisticated sound effects.
As mentioned before, Hyper Scape is a Battle Royale still in the beta phase, but it looks very promising. The speed with which the matches take place and match making is excellent. The writer suggests at least to try it to see if it fits your strings, after all it takes up little space on the disc and is still downloadable for free. The gameplay is the classic one of a first-person shooter, and the Ubisoft product does not have complex or articulated mechanics that you have to study to know how to play properly.
► Hyper Scape is a Shooter type game developed and published by Ubisoft for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 11/08/2020