Kojima Prodcutions is officially working on a new title. To reveal it, it was the same team through its Twitter account:
#KojimaProductions confirms a new project is in development and is looking to hire the best-in-class talent to work out of our Tokyo studio. For more information on the openings and requirements, please visit our website at https://t.co/jeTGnnwLAW pic.twitter.com/StLOrxTlhg
- KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS (Eng) (@ KojiPro2015_EN) October 22, 2020
The rumors circulating on the web have therefore proved to be true and Hideo Kojima, together with his Kojima Productions, has started the work and hires for his new title.
We still don't know anything about the new project: whether it will be a sequel to Death Stranding or a new IP. Maybe it could be the long-awaited and rumored horror project to which, among other things, the famous Japanese mangaka Junji Ito should collaborate.
Instead, what seems certain is the beginning of the recordings of the music and the soundtrack. Ludvig Forssell, former composer of the OST of Death Stranding, has announced the beginning of the recordings for a "project that cannot be talked about yet":
First “COVID recording” this year (for undisclosed project). Super happy with the results! pic.twitter.com/bpMrD3jAOB
- Ludvig Forssell (@Ludvig_Forssell) October 21, 2020
We are certainly curious and can't wait to find out more. Hideo Kojima remains one of the best known and most influential game designers in the gaming scene and the announcement of the start of work on the new project has certainly aroused the attention of fans and non-fans alike.
What do you think of it? What title do you expect from Kojima Productions? As always, we invite you to tell us in the comments.
► Death Stranding is an Adventure-type game developed by Kojima Productions and published by Sony for PC and PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 08/11/2019 The version for PC came out on 14/07/2020
Death Stranding is a game to own at all costs: we decided to evaluate it with a 93%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Death Stranding Review