Review for Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Don't Dry. Game for Mac, Nintendo Switch, PC and PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 07/11/2018 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 19/06/2019 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 19/06/2019
Leisure Suit Larry is the name of a long (ahem…) series of videogames released between the end of the 80s and part of the following decade. Larry laffer, is the protagonist of all the chapters and is religiously committed to sleeping women far beyond his reach, both for an evident aesthetic difference - showgirls, young models and cover girls - and for the inability of the character to relate to the other sex.
Always committed to fulfilling every wish of the beautiful beloved, but never managed to reach a conclusion with any: these are the generalities of our protagonist who returns with a new chapter. Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don't Dry is the first chapter released for PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch by the team CrazyBunch, and proposes us to revive the hilarious events of the "female spoiler" in a version equipped with a new graphics compartment and an unprecedented system of controls.
Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don't Dry it is an ironic point click and with a background of eroticism more devoted to the game than to the strict sense of the term. The game begins with our protagonist, Larry in fact, awakened in a mysterious laboratory unaware of how it happened in that place. After leaving the laboratory - located in a manhole (ahem…) - he finds himself in a familiar street, that is the bar of his friend Lefty, which appears visibly aged compared to their last meeting. A short chat with the friend clarifies that we are not in the same time as the day before, that is 1987, but that we have been catapulted into the future 2018. Inside the bar there is immediately a charming girl with whom the good Larry wastes no time in approaching.
Chatting with her, Larry begins to understand that words like "Instacrapp" or "Fessbook" are commonplace and that it is possible to interact with imaginary friends through a "mysterious box" never seen before, that is the smartphone. In the restaurant bar, after regurgitating a dubious beer, he finds a smartphone which, through a virtual assistant, tells him to bring it back to the company to which it belongs. From here a whole series of events start that will lead our protagonist to have to earn points on "Timber", obtained in relating with other users of the app, all in order to reach a score of 90 to win the secretary of the "PiPhone" company.
As mentioned, the team game CrazyBunch is a classic "point and click", in which we will have to advance in history by completing various courtship missions and solving a long series of environmental puzzles. To solve them, it will be necessary to analyze each scenario with due attention and combine the various objects found on the screen, as is dogmatically used in the genre. The system manages to stimulate the logic and imagination of the player a lot, but it is quite penalized by the lack of a mouse, making the entire gaming experience uncomfortable and cumbersome.
In particular, the problems arise on the analogs of the controller, where the left lever allows you to walk the character while the right one acts as a cursor. The latter is the pivotal interaction of the gameplay, moving freely within the scenarios, but it is excessively fast and inaccurate. It often happens that the pointing system becomes an obstacle to the usability of the product as it cannot change the sensitivity of the cursor. The choice, although it is substantially "loyal" to the tradition of the series, is particularly uncomfortable on consoles which, as often happens in modern iterations of point and click, adopt mechanical systems that are more intuitive and suitable for game-pads.
The narrative aspect of Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don't Dry takes on a central role in the gameplay since we are talking about a graphic adventure faithful to the canons of the genre. From this point of view, Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don't Dry does not disappoint and offers some really interesting ideas, even if sometimes you have the feeling that you could have "dared" more, perhaps by pushing the accelerator on that veiled social criticism that forms the background to the entire series. The constant contrast between Larry's old world and the new one he has just met, gives rise to numerous crazy and hilarious situations.
Like all previous chapters, even in this new game we find themes that are not too red-sticker but very explicit, without ever falling into the vulgar. The game obviously isn't suitable for a very young audience, but it has nothing pornographic or scandalous about it. In principle, despite a certain basic fun, the gameplay of the title will not offer anything particularly innovative in the genre and, indeed, will become rather repetitive after a handful of hours of play.
Another drawback of a certain weight, will be a certain inconsistency in the progression of the game, made up of puzzles that alternate very low and very high difficulties in a somewhat too random order, not counting the dozens of objects that the ludo will "throw at us" and that will not have an exactly immediate use. What is most successful are certainly the enormous quantities of quotes taken from previous episodes, but also teasing at famous brands and products, just see the plum - if you want to see it - of the company at the head of the "PiPhone" that makes the verse to the apple note from Apple.
Instead, what is less convincing is the new figure of the protagonist who in this episode is partially reinvented compared to what we are used to seeing. The new Larry is thinner and younger, has a lot more hair and an overall pleasant appearance. A choice in stark contrast to the original figure of the "dirty old man" which justified the continuous rejection received from the various maidens.
The technical sector presents a very satisfying glance, thanks to the pleasant design levers and the settings very rich in colors and full of details. The title is intended to be a moving cartoon with images with a good level of detail and almost free of errors and imperfections. The tested version, that is the Sony PlayStation 4, never showed the side, offering a solid and valid fluidity. The sound sector is also of good quality.
In Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don't Dry the accompanying music is very pleasant, the dubbing in English is successful and manages to convey the right emphasis in the dialogues. The only flaw, however, which can be solved via patch, is due to the frequent disappearance of the audio during a dialogue that leaves the entire game experience mute.
Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don't Dry is a fun game, like the rest of the series. Under the belt of a title that apparently deals with pseudo-erotic themes, an experience pervaded by humor and social criticism aimed at a society of appearances is rather well hidden. The game itself won't make you cry for a miracle, but it will entertain you properly.
► Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Don't Dry is an Adventure-Point & Click game developed by CrazyBunch and published by Assemble Entertainment for Mac, Nintendo Switch, PC and PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 07/11/2018 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 19/06/2019 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 19/06/2019