Loud ringtones app. Discover the best apps to set classic loud ringtones for free download on Android and iPhone smartphones.
Are you looking for apps that will help you on how to set loud and loud ringtones on an android or iOS smartphone?
Now we will list the best ones for you Loud ringtones app available on Play Store and Apple Store.
Loud Ringtones App: Free ringtones for mobile
Zedge (Android/iOS/)
ZEDGE ™ is the leading phone personalization app with free wallpapers, ringtones, application icons, alarms and notification sounds to easily personalize your phone, tablet or other mobile device. Join the more than 200 million people around the world who already use ZEDGE ™
Preview and download millions of ringtones, notification sounds and alarms to personalize all the sounds on your device.
• Ringtones for every friend and family member including personalized contact tones and your favorite music such as rock, rap and country, plus humor, famous phrases, classic ringtones and sound effects.
• Easily set ringtones and notification sounds within the ZEDGE ™ application, including ringtones for individual contacts.
• Save your favorite ringtones, alarms and other sounds to My ZEDGE ™ to use from any device or share with friends.
Download now for Android, iOS
Audiko (Android/iOS)
Ringtones, SMS, notification ringtones from world top, national rankings and the most popular genres with AUDIKO.
Access the most popular, most desired and personalized ringtones from the largest base of ringtones in the world.
Millions of the most sought after ringtones, notification and alarm ringtones from one of the most popular Audiko.net ringtone communities, created and shared by millions of users. This application allows you to take advantage of the best features of Audiko.net enjoyed by 2.000.000 users from all over the world.
* Create custom ringtones from the music stored on your mobile phone.
* Cut the exact section of the track you want to set as a ringtone.
* See the national TOP ranking
* Select the ringtone by genre
* Have access to your Audikocon profile with your personalized ringtone
* View thousands of popular ringtones every day
* Choose from song parts and high-quality bit-rates
Get your free ringtone!
Audiko is a well-known community that allows users to exchange ringtones and create their own ringtones based on music, video and other sounds. The creation of the ringtone takes only a few seconds and it is not necessary to have special skills or special tools.
Download now for Android and iOS
IPhone ringtones and sounds (iOS)
Now you can create your own ringtones and even any event sounds in order to personalize your iPhone. Select a song you want to use to create your ringtone, indicate “ringtone” or another type of sound to create, choose a necessary piece of the track and press «save». Yes, everything is really that simple!
Main functions of the application:
- Full support for iPhone 8/8 Plus
- Brand new catalog of ringtones with unreleased ringtones
- Dozens of themed categories: Funny Sounds, Top, Christmas Ringtones, Classic, OST, Effects and many more!
- Browse the features, the most popular ringtones or the latest ones
- Create an unlimited number of ringtones
- Create any event sound in order to personalize your iPhone (iOS 7.0 or higher)
- Use the microphone to record ringtones
- Edit and listen to ringtones already created in your ringtones library
- To set your ringtones, sounds for text messages, mail, calendar, alarm and other sounds for events and alerts, you will have to follow our instructions and synchronize your device with iTunes
- Setting sounds for text messages, mail, calendar, alarm and other sounds for events and alerts requires iOS 7.0 or higher
- iPhone 3G is not supported