The Japanese company has officially closed the anniversary of one of its historical sagas
After several months from its inception, Nintendo officially closed the 35th anniversary of Super Mario.
The Japanese company, through its official Twitter accounts, declared the conclusion of the event concerning the mustachioed character we all know; one of these tweets was posted in the last few hours.
The Super Mario Bros. 35th anniversary campaign ends today, March 31st. We thank all those who participated; Mario will continue to power up, so please keep supporting us!
We also remind you that the dedicated Game & Watch, the collection 3D All-Starif Super Mario Bros 35 They will no longer be available starting April 1st, so if you haven't retrieved them yet, you have very few hours to do so. Here is the original Nintendo tweet:
ス ー パ ー マ リ オ ブ ラ ザ ー ズ 35 周年 キ ャ ン ペ ー ン は 、 本 日 3 月 31 日 を も っ て 終了 し ま す。 ご 参加 い た だ い た す べ て の げ べ し み げ べ し の 上 げ て の げ
マリオはこれからもますますパワーアップしていきますので、引き続き応援をどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。#スーパーマリオ35周年https://t.co/MPvhfeQ0k8 pic.twitter.com/Xx8RL2uVj8
- ス ー パ ー マ リ オ ブ ラ ザ ー ズ 35 周年 (@ supermario35th) March 31, 2021
Obviously we hope that in the future the trilogy released on the Switch can return in the future, as it is a collection, while the branded Game & Watch should be exclusive to the anniversary.