Sales of PlayStation 5 have exceeded Sony's estimates by as much as 200 thousand units, while the PS4 exceeds 115 million.
Sony announced the financial results of the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021: PlayStation 5 sales exceeded i 7,8 million, exceeding the initial estimates of the Japanese giant by over 200 thousand pieces. The total number of PS4s sold to date instead stands at a monstrous figure of almost 116 million.
Sales of PlayStation 4 and 5: a few numbers
- Currently there are 47,6 million subscribers to PlayStation Plus, up by 6,1 million compared to 41,5 million during the same period of the previous fiscal year.
- PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 software sold a total of 61,4 million units in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2020 (down 3,9 million from 65,3 million copies in the same period of the previous fiscal year. ). 7,9 million of these were from first-party stocks, down 1,3 million from 9,2 million sold in the previous year.
- 79% of software sales were digital downloads full game software, up from 68% a year earlier.
Regardless of the budget considerations of triple A games that have been discussed in recent weeks, and above all of the suffering of the market due to shortages of electronic raw materials, for Sony the next-gen is definitely born under a lucky star.