Presented last June at a Sony event, Project athia is a new IP
If you look closely at the words reported in the last video dedicated to the exclusives of the more or less near future, the console exclusivity period will last 24 months. After this time, that is, after the launch on PlayStation 5 and PC, Project Athia can also land on other platforms from home. The hypothesis is therefore that the work of Luminous Productions can arrive at least on Xbox Series X after about two years from launch.
Recall that at the moment a launch window has not yet been revealed. Project Athia immediately attracted the attention of the public for the technical sector, for the promise of a "vast and detailed world, full of beauty and dismay", said the authors, as well as for the potentially intriguing setting.
► Project Athia is a game developed by Luminous Productions and published by Square Enix for PC and PlayStation 5, The release is planned: TBA